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Many hours had passed since the birth of the royal twins. Their family had been waiting as patiently as they could for them to open their eyes. All were anticipating what names the sea would grant them. Thalassa and Pontos always chose names that resonated with them the most.

And well, Poseidôn would never tell the Olympians (though he was sure that Apollôn and by extension Artemis and Hermês already knew) that the sea had their own great prophecy to worry about. The moment that Amphitritê announced that she was pregnant with twins... the sea stilled as the worry for the prophecy echoed in the silence.

Two halves of the same tail

A serpents' gaze that pierces the ocean's daze

Thalassa's crown must be found

or the sea shall swallow the sun

He had hair as black as the ink of a squid while her strands were as like looking at the sun underwater. The twins were curled into each other's embrace like most babies do. Neither had tails at the moment, but they had scales climbing the side of their legs in representation of what their tails would look like. Hers were a pretty translucent green to match his opaque blue. Poseidôn could sense great power inside both. The boy's control over the sea would serve him and the girl held the storm in her heart.

Everyone snapped to attention when the girl moved away from her brother. Her face scrunched as she began to wake. They all watched with bated breath as she blinked once... twice... three times before looking at the world with ocean blue eyes.

"Semelē," the call of the ocean declares. The newly dubbed Semelē's mouth pulls into a semblance of a smile. Her Father grimaced, knowing how his nephew, Dionysos, would take offense to that. The baby gurgled with one hand flapping insistently towards her twin. The boy followed his twin's actions until they were all staring at eyes as green as the sea.

"Perseus," the sea sang. Poseidôn wanted to pout. He was sure that a prank was being played on him. Both of his children having names connected to Zeus' spawns? Though there was something about the name that tugged on him; more than just the simple fact that it was the name of his brother's son.

While his children were lining up to give royal blessings, he turned his essence outwards to figure out why the name was bothering him so. And of course it led him to the room of his forbidden lover... the Moirai and the Styx were looking over him. They turned to Poseidôn as soon as they sensed him. "A forbidden child has been born," Styx mocked; lips curling cruelly. "I shall bestow him the fate worthy of a contender for the Great Prophecy." The nymph laughed as she ran her hand over the baby's cradle, "All Hail Perseus Jackson. Son of the Sea God."

The god snapped back to his body before he could do anything else. His family was looking at him as he approached the twins. Good health. Good fortunes. Blessings upon blessings were placed upon them. The god gritted his teeth. While his twins were to live the life of royalty, his half blooded child would live one of beggars.

Poseidôn placed his hands on both of their chests. They smiled at him; little legs kicking upwards. Power flowed thickly through the sea and the surrounding rivers of the world as he solidified the ocean's connection in them.

[And while everyone was distracted with the arrival of the new royals.... He placed a blessing over his demigod son also. It was the least he could do for the life he would be forced to live.]

The twins let out screams as power rushed through them both and their essences settled into their bones with a sharp snap.

"Earth shakers. Storm breakers. Family of Equine. All Hail... Princess Semelē and Prince Perseus. Children of the Sea God."

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