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"y/n! you're just in time! truth or dare?" connie calls out as soon as he catches y/n round the corner, a mischievous glint in his eye.

y/n's eyes jump to armin for some sort of help, but he only shrugs. with a sigh, she slowly sits back down beside her boyfriend then turns to answer connie's question. "truth." she utters.

armin purses his lips. he leans in close so that his breath fans against the shell of y/n's ear and sighs, "should've picked dare."

no, i should've stayed upstairs. y/n corrects armin in her head.

"have you ever thought about having sex with eren?"

sasha and mikasa gasp. "connie!" sasha squeals.

armin almost chokes on his drink and eren chokes on his blunt. "excuse me?" y/n asks. she had gone pale when she heard connie's question and her heart nearly stopped. he has to be joking. there's no way he's serious.

"have you ever fantasized about having sex with eren jeager? and be honest!" connie asks once more.

y/n and armin share a wide-eyed look. armin didn't want to hear y/n's answer to the question. he'd rather die than find out if whether or not she ever thought about fucking his best friend. deep down he was curious, but he could live with the curiosity nipping at his consciousness. he didn't want to know.

while armin was pleading for y/n to answer the question with an enthusiastic "no! of course not!", y/n was trying to figure out if armin would be upset with her if she said yes. because yes, she has thought about it more than once, but that was early on in her relationship with armin. back then, she had a little crush on the jeager boy but it was never more than that. after she and armin became official, she tried to stop thinking about eren and it worked for awhile—until he had his glow up.

between the summers of their sophomore and junior year, eren started going to the gym and he started focusing more on taking care of himself. by the start of their senior year, he had long hair, sharp features, and muscles for days. that was the first time y/n had thought about him in a sexual way since her  freshmen year.

"maybe once... or twice..." she mumbles, her eyes on her hands. when she hears armin inhale a deep breath, she pulls her eyes off of her hands and looks at him. her eyes scream "i'm sorry, please, i'm sorry," but armin can't get over the fact that his girlfriend had fantasized over his best friend.

"excuse me..." armin whispers. he pulls himself out of his spot between the couch and y/n then walks off. the faint sound of him stomping up the stairs can be heard before the eventual slam of the door.

"well then... it's your turn now, n/n." connie nervously says with a chuckle.

y/n avoids eye contact with everyone as she tries to conjure up a dare or a truth for someone.

"uh... eren, truth or dare?" she reluctantly asks. she keeps her eyes on her hands as she picks at her nails.

"dare." he says breathlessly.

"call your mom and tell her that you got some girl pregnant." y/n finally brings herself to steal a peak

"oh shit." sasha says around a mouthful of pizza.

eren gulps down a ball of saliva and with a shaky sigh, digs his phone out of his pocket. everyone watches intensely as he dials his mom's number and puts it to his ear.

"on speaker, jeager." connie chuckles.

eren glares at the springer boy but he puts the call on speaker and holds it out so that everyone could hear.

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