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"is there anything i can help with?" armin whispers lowly, his warm breath fanning against y/n's ear. his lean arms snake their way around y/n's the waist and he rests his chin on her shoulder, his hands grasping at y/n's tummy.

the hair on the back of her neck raises.

y/n kneads the pizza dough with a small smile. "no thanks. you'd be a distraction." she says honestly.

armin's smile curls up into a small smirk. he presses a soft kiss to the skin below his ear. "i don't know what you're talking about." he chuckles.

"of course you don't." she giggles.

y/n dusts off the doe on her hands to turn around and face her boyfriend. armin takes a few steps back, but he keeps his hands on her waist.

neither of them say anything for a moment. they simply bask in the feeling of each other, small smiles on their faces.

y/n and armin have been dating for a little over two years now and from the way things are going, they won't be splitting up any time soon. they're just as in love with one another as they were when they started dating.

people say high school relationships don't last that long—that they rarely last longer than a few months. this obviously was not the case for armin and y/n.

"how are you feeling?" armin mumbles.

his thumbs rub imaginary circles into the skin on y/n's waist, an act he does often. armin often catches himself touching y/n's hips and stomach whenever he gets the chance, and he honestly blames that on eren. why? that's for another time.

y/n's vision blurs. armin's pretty face and soft blond hair fades into a giant blur.

"yeah, i guess." she shrugs, pulling herself out of armin's arms and turning back to face her dough.

she has a pizza to make. she can't get distracted.

armin backs up to the counter with a quiet sigh. he folds his arms over his chest and stares down at his dirty converse. i need to throw these in the wash later. he thinks.

"it'll be okay, you know. there's nothing to worry about."

"nothing to worry about." y/n repeats, "how can you say that when our friends were just killed?" she asks with a shockingly quiet voice.

it sends a chill down armin's spine.

"how can you say it'll be okay when ymir and historia were brutally murdered no less than twenty-four hours ago?" she continues to ask.

armin's lips purse.

y/n was really close to the couple. she was the one who introduced them to each other—the one to convince historia to ask ymir out. she was there for the both of them through thick and thin. she was their best friend. so it made sense as to why she took it a little harder than everyone else.


y/n cuts armin off with the shaking of her head. "just leave me alone, please. the pizza will be ready soon."

armin reluctantly does as he's told and leaves y/n in the kitchen. he leaves the kitchen to join his other friends in the living room.

a cloud of heavy smoke hangs low in the dark room.

connie refuses to turn on any lights so the light coming in from the windows is what illuminates the living room.

"armin! my man, hey! is the pizza almost ready?" connie asks from the arm chair beside the sofa.

armin plops down beside eren and instantly accepts the blunt passed to him. he shakes his head and takes a deep hit from the thick blunt. the blond lets the smoke rest in his lungs before blowing it out through his nose.

"no, she just started kneading it." he says.

sasha deflates, "naw man. i thought it'd be ready by now."

"it won't be ready for awhile." jean speaks with a deep, clouded voice. he exhales soon after, a funnel of smoke filing out through his nose and mouth.

he passes the blunt to mikasa.

they continue to pass the blunt around the room until there's nothing left. connie takes the roach and throws it away in a nearby ashtray then he rolls up another. while he does that, sasha takes it upon herself to take a trip down memory lane.

"ymir loved to smoke." she mumbles, "she really loved to smoke actually."

jean nods, "yeah... she did..."

"historia hated it though." eren chuckles. "she always complained about the smell."

"the smoke does stink though." mikasa admits.

connie takes the first hit form the new blunt. he sighs heavily, exhaling a thick plume. "i miss them."

"they didn't deserve to die." sasha mutters.

there are tears welling up in her eyes and her lips are wobbling. she looks over to her left where she pictures ymir and historia seated on the small love seat. they always say together in their own little world while everyone else smoked. now that they were gone, the spot felt... empty. like it was never full in the first place.

mikasa gets up from her spot beside jean and moves to sit beside sasha. she draws her into a hug with a small frown.

no one says anything for awhile. they sit in silence and pass around the blunt, all the while remembering ymir and historia in the best way possible.

no one says anything until y/n comes into the room with a tray of fruit and cheese.

"here are some appetizers. the pizza's in the oven and it'll be ready soon." she mumbles, placing the tray down on the coffee table.

sasha jumps up and reaches for a few slices of american cheese and some grapes.

"thanks n/n!"

she smiles, "no problem."

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