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there are police everywhere. they're parked in front of the house, in the driveway, and there are some coming up the road. they're even accompanied by ambulances.

sitting in one of the ambulances is y/n. there's a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and a bottle of water in her hand. she's staring down at her feet while the m.e. talks to a police officer.

with a yawn, she pulls her head up to look at her house. she sees a group of people go inside with equipment. this makes her eyebrows furrow. "what are they doing?" she asks no one in particular, sparring the m.e. a glance.

"huh? oh, they're going in to process the scene. don't worry, sweetheart. it'll be okay." the officer—an old man y/n recognizes as pixis—says with a warm smile.

"oh..." y/n mumbles.

"y/n! oh my god, y/n!"

y/n turns her head to see sasha jumping out of connie's jeep. following her are her other friends. a dark blue toyota pulls up behind connie's car and out comes armin, eren, and mikasa. they all rush over to the ambulance as a group.

sasha pulls y/n into a big hug, "fuck, are you okay? what's going on? why are there police everywhere?"

"i'm fine, sasha. don't worry." y/n mumbles, patting sasha's back. she eyes all of her friends before smiling. "i'm okay!"

her eyes get stuck on eren. she furrows her brows and looks him up and down. he's wearing a pair of grey sweats and a black hoodie, adida slides on his naked feet. his hair is a mess and there are bruises on his jaw and neck.

"what happen to you, jeager?" y/n asks.

everyone turns to face the boy.

eren scratches the back of his head with a chuckle, "i was hangin' out with that girl on the cheer squad. she got pretty uhm... excited."

connie and jean chuckle while mikasa and sasha roll their eyes. "men." they say in sync.

"ah... okay..." y/n mumbles.

armin pushes his way through the small crowd to reach y/n. upon successfully getting to her side, he sits down beside her and pulls her into a side-hug. "are you okay? what happened?" he asks, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"huh? oh, i'm fine. don't worry, armin." she shrugs.

"yeah... what did happen? you never said..." mikasa states.

y/n looks down at her feet with a sigh. she starts fiddling with the thin ring on her finger as she remembers what happened no less than ten minutes ago. i could've died. she realizes. if she wasn't careful, she truly could've been killed. that puts a nasty taste in her mouth.

armin grabs her hand and squeezes.

"you know that movie scream?" y/n starts. everyone nods with a hum. "some guy wearing a ghost face mask got inside and chased me around. he had a knife."

sasha gasps, "holy shit, n/n! are you okay?"

she nods with a light giggle, "yeah, i'm fine."

"was he hot?" eren asks with a cheeky smirk.

everyone gives him a "what the fuck" look.

"you're kidding." armin scoffs, "she was almost killed and you're asking if the guy was hot? what the fuck man?"

"yeah what the fuck eren?" mikasa huffs, looking him up and down with a skeptical look.

"you're priorities are fucked up, man." connie grumbles.

eren simply shrugs, "i'm just asking."

"anyways..." sasha mumbles, "will you be able to stay here tonight?" y/n shakes her head no, "then you're staying with me! we can have a sleepover!"

right as she said that, detective levi comes over. he looks at each of the children before meeting y/n's eyes. "can i ask you a couple of questions miss l/n?" he asks with a deep voice.

sasha's jaw drops and connie audibly gasps.

"huh? okay, yeah. i'll be back guys." y/n says.

she pulls away from armin and steps down out of the ambulance. before following after the short detective, she smiles at each of her friends. just to reassure them.

she follows levi to a sleek bmw parked down the road. she stands outside as levi reaches inside the open window to grab a notepad. once he straightens his back, he turns to face y/n.

"did you recognize him?" he asks.

y/n shakes her head no, "i have no idea who he was."

"describe his outfit."

y/n furrows her eyebrows as she tries to picture the ghost face. "uhm... he was wearing black pants and a black sweater, i think. black sneakers too. the mask was just your generic ghost face mask from the dollar store." she explains.

levi takes notes before nodding. "how tall was he? how much do you think he weighed? what was his voice like?"

"i don't know. uhm, maybe like... 6'2? 6'3? he was tall. and how am i supposed to know how much he weighs? he looked like your average guy so... 150? i don't know, detective. and his voice was deep. and husky. very husky." she shrugs.

levi writes this all down. "thank you, miss l/n. have a good night." is all he says before he gets into his car and drives off.

"what a weirdo..." y/n mumbles before turning on her heel and walking away. she wanted to get to sasha's house asap.

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