The Second Motive

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Sayakas pov

I bit my nails as I headed down to the dining hall. I couldn't stop thinking about those boys and their stupid competition. I mean staying in the sauna for too long is dangerous. Surely they'd have the sense to leave at a reasonable time... right.

I opened the dining room door "guys I think we should check on-"

"Hahaha what are you talking about bro?"

"I'm talking about you being my best friend bro!"

I blinked in disbelief. What just happened.

"Ah sayaka" mondo and taka jogged up to me "thanks for watching us last night. It gave me some time to get to know my brother" he slapped taka on the back.

"Yeah. Maybe you're not as bad as I thought" taka grinned.

"Well that's sweet but what happened?" I shook my head in confusion "weren't you competing-"

"Who cares about that!" Mondo roared.

"Yeah! There's no harm in a little rivalry on the path to brotherhood" taka said determedly.

"Bro what you said was so beautiful. I gotta get myself a tattoo of it" mondo winked.

"Don't do that bro. Your body's a beautiful temple" taka placed his hand on his heart.

"Bro" mondo clutched his chest dramatically.

They wrapped their arms around each other and laughed obnoxiously.

"What just happened?" I blinked in bewilderment.

"Don't think too much about it. You'll only hurt yourself" mukuro placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah you're probably right" I flashed her a smile "on the bright side at least everything's ok now"

As soon as the words let my mouth the monitor flared to life "please come to the gymnasium for a new announcement"

"Talk about a jinx" I sighed.

"Don't worry about it" mukuro smiled softly "let's just go see what the bear wants"

*Time skip*

"So as you can see I have secrets of yours that I can reveal at the drop of a hat" the bear laughed cruelly. I stared at the piece of paper in my hands shakily.

Sayaka mizono betrayed her closest friend to make her way to the top.

I covered my mouth as tears pricked my eyes. Not that. I thought I buried that secret a long time ago.

"Well that's all I came to say. I'll be revealing all your greatest secrets in twenty four hours. Toddleloo!" With that he disappeared.

My world started blurring around me. I could hear voices around me but I couldn't understand what they were saying. Eventually I was brought back by mukuros hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" She looked at me in concern.

I blinked a couple of times "what happened?"

"Well taka suggested that we read out our secrets which didn't bode well with the others and chihiro promised to tell us their secrets tomorrow. I'm guessing you didn't get good news" he eyes landed on my paper-

"Stop it!" I held the paper close to my chest, shooting her a glare "just mind your own business!" I ran off before she could say anything.

As soon as I reached the door I stopped, my mind finally clear. Well that was stupid! I'll just apologize tomorrow. I'm too tired to go back.

And so I headed inside and passed out onto my bed...

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