Hate Feels Just Like True Love

25 1 15

Certificate: Received 

Genre: Dark Romance, Psychological Suspense

Summary: Find someone's who's demons play well with your own.


Title (2/5): I believe that titles should be short and easy. The title of the book is too long but since it is easy to read and remember, I have given it 3 points.

Cover (⅖): The cover seems interesting, especially the gold colour but it does not matched with the book title and description. The font needs some improvement too.

Description (4/5): At first, I thought there were a lot of mistakes but then searched upon it and came to know that they are actually some good words. The description should have more simple language, I believe.

First impression (⅘): Now, the beginning was good! But Your vocabulary is...not suitable for readers whose first language isn't English. Of course, it doesn't matter much but it is a little difficult for some readers to understand the emotion/scene.

Writing style (10/10): Every author has a different writing style so I don't really judge their book based on that. I really liked your writing style, it was new to me.

Emotions and Character's development (8/10): The characters were different and new, I liked that. The emotions could be improved because at the start, the emotions were not much visible, which I guess is fine.. As for the character's development, the twist in the third chapter was...shocking. 

Chapter's Content (9/10): I loved each and every chapter. Everything was new and I loved how things were taking turns. But I think, some chapters like chapter 3 was too long for *my* liking.

Vocabulary (10/10)

Flow and Speed (7/10): The flow was good but I think that the speed was a little fast. Considering that most of the *mature* content came early after she met the mc.

Personal Opinion: Honestly? This book is sooooo dark. I don't mind though. I am a *dark writer* after all. But anyway, this book is dark, though I read dark books but this one was different...very different. I would recommend the author to change the cover because most of the readers are attracted by the cover and me and yes, most of the readers aka me. I read this book, because I had to. But it's not with every reader. 

Those who are into mature content should check it out!

Grand Total: (56/70)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫'𝐬 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 | ClosedWhere stories live. Discover now