✿ Three • The Proposal ✿

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Jodhbir and his cousin Jashn sat in the cozy living room of Jashn's home, sipping on cups of steaming coffee. The evening sun cast a warm, golden glow through the curtains.

As they chatted about various topics, Jashn suddenly cleared his throat and wore a mischievous grin. "You know, Jodhbir," he began, "I've been giving something some thought."

Jodhbir raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What's on your mind, Jashn?"

Jashn leaned in, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "I think it's high time we do something about Ruhani and you."

Jodhbir blinked, surprised by the unexpected topic. "Ruhani and me? What do you mean?"

Jashn chuckled, "Come on, Jodhbir, it's no secret that you've got your eyes on her. And let's be honest, she's pretty smitten with you too."

Jodhbir blushed slightly but tried to maintain his composure. "Well, we're not even friends, Jashn. We are only acquaintance."

Jashn waved a dismissive hand. "Yes, but there's potential for something more, something deeper. I've seen the way you both look at each other."

Jodhbir couldn't deny the truth in Jashn's words. There had been moments when their gazes lingered a bit longer than they should have. "But, Jashn, it's not that simple. We come from different worlds, different backgrounds."

Jashn leaned back, considering his cousin's words. "True, but love has a funny way of bridging those gaps, doesn't it? And besides, our family adore Ruhani. You'd have our blessing."

Jodhbir sighed, torn between his feelings for Ruhani and the complexities of their situation. "It's not that I don't care about her, Jashn. I do. But I don't want to rush into anything. We need to be sure."

Jashn nodded thoughtfully. "Fair enough, Jodhbir. Take your time. But promise me one thing – don't let this opportunity slip away. Sometimes, waiting too long can be just as risky as rushing in."

Jodhbir smiled, touched by his cousin's concern. "I promise, Jashn. I won't let her slip away."

Jashn grinned, satisfied with the conversation. "Good. Now, let's enjoy the rest of this evening, and who knows what the future holds for you and Ruhani?"

As they continued sipping their coffee and chatting, Jodhbir couldn't help but wonder if Jashn might be onto something. Love had a way of surprising people, and perhaps, in the end, it would lead him down a path he never expected.


Ruhani and her composed cousin, Chahana, lounged in the opulent living room of the Shekhawat Mansion, surrounded by elegance and luxury. The sun outside filtered through the lavish curtains, creating a warm ambiance.

Chahana, couldn't hide a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she turned to Ruhani. "You won't believe what Jashn told me last night, Ruhi."

Ruhani, leaned in with curiosity. "Oh, do tell, Chanu Di. What's the latest scoop?"

Chahana leaned forward, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "He's got this quirky idea, you see."

Ruhani giggled. "Quirky? Jiju's ideas are always intriguing. What's he up to now?"

Chahana couldn't help but chuckle. "He wants to see you and Jodhbir together. He thinks you'd make quite the pair."

Ruhani's eyes widened in playful surprise. "Jodhbir? Seriously?"

Chahana nodded, her expression composed as always. "Yes, Jashn believes there's something special between you two. He's seen those glances you share."

Ruhani couldn't help but blush at the thought but maintained her adorable demeanor. "Well, isn't that something? But Di, you know we're from completely polar opposite, right?"

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