Dreading those teenage years 😳

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Friday September 15 th 2017

**Carina had the worst nightmare ever!  That morning she woke up crying **

6h37 am
Maya: hi good morning my extremely beautiful wife!
Carina: hi Bambina! ** as she wipes her tears away from her eyes **
Maya: what's wrong?
Carina: I had the worst nightmare ever!! In my dream Chloe and Lorenzo were teenagers and we haven't told them about the triplet baby that never made it, and I honestly don't know why they were the ones extremely angry with me, but anyways... one day they came back home from school and they were ANGRY BAMBINA! I obviously asked them what was wrong.
Lorenzo told me what else are you even hiding from us huh ?
Chloe then began yelling at me saying I still can't believe you never told us ... and how terrible of a momma I was.. I tried to tell them that when a mother miscarry a child it's extremely difficult and traumatizing and it stays with us forever...
Maya: okay breathe my love
Carina: okay.... Then I couldn't bare hearing my children yelling at me so I told them something that shut every one up and immediately left the house and went for a car ride to calm down. They tried to call me, you even tried to , I obviously answered to you but told them that I didn't tell them because what was the use .. it's not like I could magically snap my fingers and made the triplet live , but then Alessandro figured out that if the triplet baby had made it he wouldn't be here.

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Carina: I can't do it... I can't hide it anymore! We have to tell them now because it's making me go crazy and sad because our precious kids resented me !
Maya: okay it's going to be fine we'll tell them about the triplet baby today... but how are we going to explain it to them?
Carina: I thought it through Bambina
** she then proceeds to take a picture that is framed and there's the full picture of the TRIPLETS ULTRASOUND and each baby is identified as "A" , "B" and "C" !  She puts it on the top of her drawers where she knows the kids are going to ask about it **

**Everyone is back home from school/ daycare and work . Carina and Maya both decided that now is the time to tell the kids, they are older too and it's going to be easier to understand, she brought her picture downstairs... **

Carina: guys can you come here in the living room please,
C, L, S, V and A : yesss momma!! ** they all came from the playroom and Maya was consoling her wife **
Lorenzo: woahh ! What's wrong momma?
Chloe: why are you crying mo!?
Carina: I'm crying because I have something to tell you and it's ummm !
Violet: momma sick ?
Carina: nooo momma is fine lovey but Vivi and Scarlett come sit on me... I'll show you something okay?
** the twins obeyed and Carina has one on each lap and she has placed the ultrasound picture on the living room table **
Carina: okay so last night I had a horrible nightmare where Chloe and Lorenzo you were both teenagers and you were screaming and yelling at me because I didn't tell you about something... which is what I'm about to tell you guys but in my dream you both were extremely mean to me and I left everything here!
Lorenzo; awnnn momma! It's okay.. I — we still love you and I'm sure it's pretty difficult to talk about...
Chloe: yessss momma!
Carina: okay thank you for understanding.. it is really really difficult to talk about. But I even had forgotten about it for 3 years and a half... but recently it came back to my mind and can anyone tell me what is on the picture right here?
Violet: where momma!?
Maya: right here Loulou ! Look at the picture! Do you know what it mean?
**Chloe got all excited **
Omg momma ate you pregnant again with one two three babies??
Carina: ohhh bunny , no momma is not having any more children! But who between you five *** she couldn't stop crying **
Maya: okay babe it's okay my love!
Carina: it's too hard ! I can't!
Maya: yea I know baby but we don't have to if you—-
Carina: ohhh we are telling them because I don't want to live my nightmare in three years! Okay ! So this picture is when you were in my stomach!!
Chloe: but momma we were never in your stomach at the same time!
Carina: okay..
Lorenzo: waiiiit Violet and Scarlett were!!
Carina: yes that's right eno!
Violet: wait that's me ? Where !
Scarlett : im confused momma!
Carina: see it says baby A , baby B and Baby C ! Who was baby A and B ?
Chloe: ouhhh i know!!
Violet you were baby A and Scarley you were baby B !
Scarley: what ! No that's not true!
Carina: siiiiii mi amore ! It is true ! See that's Violet when she was a little little baby and right here with her head down that was Scarlett !
Scarlett : hmmm pretty cool!
Carina: yea
Lorenzo: ohhhhh ! So baby C is
Chloe: mommy where is Baby C ?
Maya: well baby C is up in the sky with Jesus and all the angels and it is protecting us all from the things that can be hurtful or dangerous for us!
Carina: exactly! And the reason why I didn't tell you guys sooner is because I was soooooo devastated about baby C going in the sky that my brain didn't let me remember it because it was too traumatic, but one day my brain allowed me to remember and now I'm able to accept the fact that baby C is in the sky and stars with the angels..
Chloe: ohhhhh ! I'm sorry momma!!
** Chloe hugged her momma really hard and she had a few tears coming down her little face **
Carina: it's okay honey ! Jesus gave us a better gift . A very very special one!!
Scarlett : really?? Where is that gift momma?
Carina: well he is now playing with his toy airplane and making it go up up up in the stars?
Carina: yesssss that's right guys! See Jesus knew that my body couldn't hold three babies at once, and those pregnancies are extremely dangerous. So he sent us Alessandro two years later!!
If you have any questions about baby c mommy and I will do our best to answer your questions okay?
Chloe: okay momma

** Violet and Scarlett both stood up and went to give their little brother a big big hug , Chloe and Lorenzo joined them **

Carina: ohhhh my goodness gracious!!
**Carina was so relieved that she finally told her children that as soon as the twins ran off to Alessandro her body unconsciously sank into the couch and she couldn't held back her tears **

Maya: I'm so proud of you babe !
Carina: thank you for being there with me and helping me explaining it to them!!
Maya: of course my love!!

**Lorenzo came back in the living room and hugged his momma **
Momma. I know telling us was really really hard for you but I admire your strength and courage for telling us .. and I'm sorry teenager me and teenager Chloe got mad at you! It wasn't your fault your brain didn't allow you to remember!!
Chloe: yeah I'm sorry too about Teenager Chloe! She should be in time out !
Carina: thank youuu my precious little babies!!
I love youuu all soooooo much and I agree Chloe, teenagers you and Enzo should definitely be in time out!!
Maya: go back and play nicely together... we're going to order dinner tonight!!
Carina: siiiii excellent idea wifey !

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