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Glory was shocked to see a crack in the egg.

Her first thought was that she had broken it somehow, and her stomach twisted with fear as she thought about what might've happened to it.

However, before she could think any further, the egg shook slightly.

Glory was shocked. The egg was hatching! She rushed over to Deathbringer's hammock, and vigorously shook him awake.

"W-w-waa?" Deathbringer grumbled as he was not so kindly shooken awake by Glory.

"The egg!" Glory practically shouted in his ear. "What about it?" He asked, suddenly alert.

"It's hatching!" Glory exclaimed. Deathbringer sat bolt upright, almost hitting his head on the leaf ceiling.

"Well then what are you doing getting me?" He asked. "Shouldn't you be with the egg?"

Yet no sooner had the words left his mouth, Glory was already curled around the black and rainbow egg, watching it intently.

Deathbringer waisted no time either, dashing across the room to sit beside his mate, watching the little dragonet emerge from the egg.

"If it's a boy, then how about we nam-" Deathbringer wasn't able to finish his sentence before another crack appeared in the egg, making him shut up.

Slowly, more cracks began to appear in the egg, giving it a dented appearance.

After about half an hour of tiny cracks protruding from the shell, Glory noticed something. A tiny hole in the egg had opened up.

She elbowed Deathbringer, making him jolt awake. As he was about to ask what her problem was with him resting, he noticed the hole in the shell.

The two dragons, king and queen, sat side by side together, as they watched a beautiful female dragonet emerge from the egg.

She had deep purple scales, with splotches of neon blue shooting through them, and scattered silver scales all across her body, like a nightwing. She had her mothers general shape and face, but her fathers eyes and wings.

Glory was delighted. From the moment she had hatched, Glory knew that this was the dragon that would ascend her throne, once she died. This was the dragonet that she would love, and care for with all her heart and soul. She would do anything and everything to keep her safe.

"What should we name her?" Deathbringer asked, breaking the silence.

Glory had multiple ideas, but she wanted one that was unique, one that stood out.

As she was thinking, she noticed a firefly buzzing through the air, and land on the dragonets head, as if declaring the name right then and there.

"Firefly." Glory said simply. "Princess Firefly."

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