Part 5

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Jian min went to Yibo's house to meet his mother.

Crystal,"what do you want to talk about,I'm listening".

Jian min tells her everything. Crystal was shocked to hear that.

Crystal," I..I can't believe son can't do such thing...there must be a misunderstanding".

Jian min,"there isn't any misunderstanding,I saw it with my own eyes and my daughter had also said the truth ".



Jian min,"what your son did wasn't acceptable at all".

Yibo,"uncle it's a misunderstanding,I don't like Xiao zhan,I love Liying ".

Jian min held his collar and said,"don't take my innocent daughter's name,she has told everyone that you and Xiao zhan are ..........together ".

Yibo," can't be... I'll talk to her... she'll...."

Jian min,"boy! I'm warning YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER ".

Carmen ,"so you have any solution?"

Jian min,"yes I have".



Carmen lee,"Yibo! I can't believe you did such thing...he was engaged and still".

YIBO,"mom I...."

Carmen lee,"I feel ashamed of myself that I didn't raised you well".

Yibo,"please mom don't say this".

Carmen,"I have made a have to marry Xiao zhan ".

Yibo,"what? Mom how could you do this,,,,I don't love him...I'm not gay".

Carmen lee,"it's my final have no say in it", saying this he left.

Fanxing was coming towards living room,he saw his mom coming out of the room and Yibo pleading him. Carmen went to his room.

Yibo,"Fanxing!! Tell mom to change her decision...I don't want to marry Xiao zhan...I don't love him".

Fanxing,"brother!I don't understand a word you are saying but... I'll try".

Yibo,"go go go".

Fanxing,"hmm ".

Fanxing went to his mother's room.

Fanxing,"mom!, what is brother saying...if he doesn't want to marry..why are you urging him".

Carmen,"Fanxing! You stay away from this matter... I'll not change my decision...go and do your study ".


Fanxing came out. Yibo,"what did mom said".

Fanxing shook his head. He went to his room.

Yibo sat there on the couch. He held his head with his both hands. 

Yibo,"Xiao zhan because of you all this happened, I'll not spare you".



Carmen lee got a call from hospital.

Carmen lee,"hello....I'm sorry doctor I can't come tomorrow.. I'll come some other doctor I can't tell my children that their mother have cancer ".

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