Chapter 5

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 New chapter!! :D

"Bye Mrs. Becky." Bendy called out to the sweet lady, waving to her as he and (Y/N) left the store. He held tightly on the sketchbook that Mrs. Becky let him pick out for free. The cover had the sketching of a wolf on it, it had a few splotches of what looked like watercolor. (Y/N) said that she had a few sketch pencils at her house, so he will be able to draw with that when they got back. 

 Bendy had a jump in his step as he walked, holding (Y/N)'s hand. (Y/N) smiled down at him. "Someone's happy."

 Bendy nodded. It's been a long time since he felt like this before. He feels like a child that just got a giant lollipop. Suddenly the amazing smell from earlier hit his nose again, and his curiosity got the best of him. "What's that amazing smell?"

"That is the amazing smell of freshly, baked cookies" (Y/N) told him. She smiled warmly at him as she said. "Why don't we get some?"

"Sure!" The little devil's smile grew wide. He'd never had cookies before, he heard from many of the animators at the studio said that they were, especially freshly baked ones. 

 With Bendy close to (Y/N) as they walked into the bakery, like the art store, when (Y/N) opened the door there was a small jingle.The sweet smell was stronger here, it was mixed with all kind of other scents that he couldn't really pin point what they were.

 In the store was a small line of people, all who were in heavy coats, scarfs, and the men were in snow pants while the women were in snow dresses like (Y/N), but in different colors and patterns.

 Bendy instantly stepped closer to (Y/N) , still not a fan of so many people near by, even if it wasn't that many. Then it got worse when two more people came in and stepped in line, basically trapping them in (not really but you get the idea). Bendy clutched the sketchbook closer, as if he was afraid that someone would take it from him.

 (Y/N) squeezed his hand, Bendy glanced at her and she gave him a comforting smile. His stiffened shoulder loosened a bit. He felt safer with (Y/N) by his side.

 To Bendy it felt like the line was going pretty fast, yet very slow. People left and some came in. As they got closer to the cash register he was able to see the employees who were working, all of them have chefs hat and aprons. Some of them had food all over their aprons, but they didn't seem to mind.

 They finally reached the cash register and (Y/N) asked the cashier for some of the freshly baked cookies, more specifically what Bendy had smelled earlier. The cashier said it will take a few minutes, then told her how much it will cost. (Y/N) gave him the money and led Bendy to a table where they can sit and wait.

"I can't wait to see what they tase like." Bendy said smiling. All the amazing smells starting to make his mouth water.

"Have you ever had cookies before?" (Y/N) asked.

 Bendy shook his head.

"Well, trust me. You'll love it." (Y/N) told him. (Y/N)'s name was then called and she got up and grabbed the bag the cashier was holding out to her, she then thanked him, and then walked back. She set the bag on the table and opened it, she reached her hand in and pulled out two cookies that were delicately wrapped with green and red napkins. "There both the same cookie, so you don't have to really choose." (Y/N) pushed one of the cookies close to him.

 Bendy gladly took it and unwrapped it. The cookie was almost perfectly round and there was chocolate chips evenly spread out, the scent of it nearly made him drool. He lifted up the cookie then took a bite. His eyes popped out wide open, his tail starting to wag. It tasted amazing. How the chocolate chips melted in his mouth and how the cookie was not to sweet yet, not to bland. That was the same with how it wasn't to soft, yet not to hard. He hummed happily to himself.

"Do you like it?" (Y/N) asked, chuckling.

 Bendy nodded, he never tasted anything so good in his life. He finished the cookie, then licked the crumbs off of his lips.

 (Y/N) finished her cookie as well, a satisfying smile on her face. She put her trash in the bag and Bendy did the same. (Y/N) put the bag in the trash bin, then turned back to Bendy. "I think it's time we head home." She told him.

 Bendy nodded and got down from his chair. He took (Y/N)'s hand and they left the bakery. It was a bit darker outside now, with the sun starting to set. The streets were a bit more empty with everyone heading home.

 Since it was darker now the Christmas lights were more bright and it lit up the street a bit more. But as they got closer to (Y/N)'s house the lights started to fade away. Now only the street lights helping lead the way.

 They reached (Y/N)'s house right as the sun disappeared behind the mountains, only the small glow could be seen from it, in the pink and orange sky. (Y/N) unlocked her front door and opened it. It was pretty dark in there with no light, so (Y/N) walked over and turned on the lamp near the couch. It gave off a small yellow glow.

 Bendy began to take off his stuff and putting them on one of the arms of the couch and he put his sketchbook on the coffee table.

"Are you hungry?" (Y/N) asked, taking off her coat and hat.

 Bendy shook his head. "No, but thank you." He yawned and stretched, the whole day taking the energy out of him.

"Alright. It looks like you need to get to bed." She told him. Bendy couldn't argue and wouldn't.

 But before he climbed onto the couch, he went up to (Y/N) and hugged her (around her waist, since he's to short, lol). "Thank you, for everything." He said.

 (Y/N) got down on one knee so she could properly hug him. "Of course, Bendy."

 There were no right words to express how grateful Bendy was. It's been so long since anyone has been this kind to him. Where would I be with out (Y/N)?

 Sorry if this chapter was pretty short. But I just wanted to get something out, also school is a pain in the rear and keeping me from writing that much. Anyways, see y'all next week, bye!

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