Chapter 4

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 Bendy was standing near the front window, drinking some hot coco that (Y/N) made for him. It had been a few days since (Y/N) had brought Bendy into her home. He watched the snow outside slowly fall, the snowstorm finally calming down. He pulled the blanket, that was slowly starting to fall off of him, and pulled it over his shoulders.

 (Y/N) was upstairs doing something for the past hour and Bendy was getting kinda bored of just sitting there. So he got up and decided to check what (Y/N) was doing.

 He walked up the stairs and saw a small hallway with a bathroom on the right, a small closet door on the left, and at the end was most likely (Y/N)'s room door. He slowly walked over and nocked.

"(Y/N)?" Bendy said, waiting for her to answer.

"Come in." (Y/N) said from the other side. He opened the door and peaked his head in.

 The room like a normal bedroom. With a bed on one side of the room, a dresser right beside it, and a small desk.

 Near the window was (Y/N), working on a painting, her brush delicately going across the canvas. She would sometimes pull the paint brush back and examine her painting before continuing again.

"I didn't know that you could paint." Bendy said, walking over to see what she was painting. It was a tall mountain, that was close to reaching the clouds, at the bottom was a small woodland and in the middle was small lake that wasn't fully painted in yet. So (Y/N) was still working on that part. Overall it was beautiful. All the colors and different shades of green, blue, gray, and brown that clashed well together. 

"My mother taught me." (Y/N) said, as she touched up the mountain. "She was such a great painter. She was always so careful with the paintbrush." (Y/N)'s eyes suddenly glazed with sadness.

"What's wrong?" Bendy asked, with concern in his voice.

 (Y/N) sighed. "She died, a few years ago."

"I-I'm so sorry." Bendy said, he held her hand in a comforting motion.

 (Y/N) wiped away some of the tears that started to fall down her face. "I-It's ok, it's apart of life. I visit my father to comfort a few times a year. He lives pretty far away. He misses her as much as I do."

 Bendy frowned sympathetically, he knew how hard it was for someone to leave. Or in his case, you having to be the one to leave your loved ones behind.

"I'm sorry." (Y/N) said, breaking the silent. "I didn't mean to make this all somber."

"No it's ok, sometimes you need to talk it out with somebody." Bendy said reassuringly.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." (Y/N) said, nodding. (Y/N) continued to paint as Bendy watched. It was kinda mesmerizing to see the way that the paint brush just drag across the canvas so smoothly. It was hard to believe that a paintbrush could make something so beautiful and realistic.

 (Y/N) leaned down and grabbed a tube of white paint. She tried so squeeze some out on her paint pallet, but only to receive small squirts. "Oh no, I'm all out." She threw the empty tube into the trash.

"What are you going to do?" Bendy asked.

 (Y/N) glanced out the window. "I guess I can go get more. The storm has finally calmed down, so I could go to the store and get more."

"What about me?" Bendy asked, not really liking the idea of being alone.

"I guess you can come with me?" (Y/N) said.

 Bendy honestly didn't like that idea either. Going outside with the snow that nearly killed him. No thanks. Even if the worst of it was over.

 (Y/N) must've seen the worry on his face, because she leaned down and told him, "Don't worry, I'm sure have something that would keep you from getting cold. Let's go check." (Y/N) reached out her hand and Bendy took it. She lead him to the closet he past earlier and opened it. She rummaged through and pulled out a few options. "Here, try these."

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