Endless winter night pt2

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A/n:i had to put this in a part two because the chapter was already long as hell now back to the story.
Y/n's pov:
We follow the warrior towards the fountain that is guarded by the two harpies.They start to attack us but the Warrior comes in front of them
Blue harpie:ah the warrior of undying is found by the outsiders
Warrior:mock me again bird and i'll make your blood spill hear their words
Joey:im not saying it
No one was stepping up so i walked a couple of steps forward and said
Y/n:we-uh we need the talisman
Red harpie:ah the girl wants the talisman
Me and the blue harpie were face to face until Alex pulled me by my wrist and into a hug
Blue harpie:yes let your boyfriend defend you
Y/n:i'll show you defending
I try to walk towards her but are caught by my waist and pulled back.
Alex:she's not worth it calm down
I calm down quickly but kick a rock while crossing my arms over my chest as i huff.
Red harpie:anyway we will agree to our terms and our terms only!
Blue harpie:5 outsiders will be placed around the edge and two outsiders will face off against us in a game of stones
Red harpie:if one outsider loses then all five outsiders will be slain if both of the two win then all of you get the talisman
Blue harpie:discuss amongst the group
We all turn to each other basically huddling and i can see that everyone is freaking out
Tana:i'm pretty good at checkers
Gabbie:sorry Tana but we need more than pretty good
Y/n:i can't play games at all i lose every game i play
Alex:i can play Checkers
Joey:so can I
Tyler:that settles that
Andrea:don't lose or else all of us die
Gabbie:good luck
They place all of us on the outside of the fountain on these stones.I watch as both games unfold.I got stuck thinking about if this was the end but then i hear
Joey:she's definitely cheating
Blue harpie:i moved one space!
Warrior:You think i'm blind bird i see you cheaters
Blue harpie:gah KILL THEM ALL
Before they can kill us the Warrior steps in.They scramble on his back and arms but he swiftly pushed them both off.He snaps the blue harpies neck in one movement but the red harpie claws his stomach he throws her off his back but
Alex:She's coming back!
The warrior lifts her up and kills her over his knee and then drops to the ground
Joey:he's hurt!!
Y/n:what do we do now?
Warrior:kill that ice witch
He says in pain dropping his head to the ground.He's holding his stomach in pain as Alex grabs his axe
Alex:death of a hero here you go
He says handing the axe to the Warrior
Warrior:thank you now get that Talisman
And he's dead. We walk over him
Alex:hey we're postmating you a bandaid!
Y/n:he's gonna need more than that bud
I say while grabbing his arm dragging him over to the group.Joey decides to hop on a box to get the talisman
Joey:somebody hold me i don't wanna fall
Gabbie holds his arm as he reaches for the talisman.He grabbed it and hopped off the box quickly as it sank a little bit.We walk towards the gate but we see this dude with a machete guarding it and i thought who do we have to kill now.
Gabbie:oh my god who is that?!
Man:to seek the unquenchable fire you must walk through the path of betrayal
Thats all the information that we get oh cmon.We huddle yet again and immediately Tyler says
Tyler:i think people who haven't gone in
Y/n:Joey and Andrea
Gabbie:that seems fair
Joey:ok then i guess its us
Tyler:isn't that fair
Andrea:i haven't you haven't lets just go
Alison hands each girl a cloak and the boys light jackets.She hands Andrea a scroll and it basically says they have to collect keys but only one will have enough to get through the second gate.They give the man with a machete the talisman and the man let them through.Now we wait to see who dies.
Joey's pov:
me and Andrea walk down the path and we instantly split apart.I go to the left while she goes right.I'm stuck on a riddle so i put down the codex and go towards another one.I solve the riddle but i hear Andrea say-
Andrea:should we work together
Joey:i'm down to work together
Ok so for a while we work together and soon enough we get three keys.we give the keys to the next gatekeeper then we see a stand with tiles
Andrea:choose one friend to betray and the ice witch will be revealed
Joey:so we're safe
Andrea:and one of them is going to die
Joey:oh my god this makes me sick to my stomach
Andrea:we have to do it
Joey:Ok well Alex and Tyler have been solving clues left and right so their safe
We put their tiles up on the top now we're left with Tana,y/n, and Gabbie.
Andrea:Gabbie is strong so she's safe
We put her tile up there also
Andrea:Who's been more helpful?Tana or Y/n
Joey:Y/n but i can't do that to Tana!whats your choice
Andrea:for me Tana
Joey:ok smash it
Andrea:are you sure?
Joey:yes just do it
She smashes it on the ground and it breaks i can't imagine what's happening with the group right now
Y/n's pov:
We are all just standing around bored when Gabbie notices the man with the machete coming at us so immediately I'm terrified because like i don't wanna die but he starts going towards Tana and soon enough he slices her stomach and she falls to the ground.I fall towards her body as i cry
Y/n:she's dead i thought it was suppose to be one of them!
Gabbie:that man killed her!
Alex drops next to me and hugs me tight.I pushed him away as i stand up.Joey and Andrea come back out and i'm livid
Andrea:we had to kill someone it was either you or her so shut up!
Alex:enough! Did you kill the ice witch?
Joey:yes with this
He holds up the unquenchable fire
Tyler:did you get the gem?
Gabbie:so Tana died and we didn't get a gem?!
Syrine:you truly are hero's now leave before the sorceress comes and destroys this realm
We go inside still complaining about the gem
Gabbie:So we don't know if a gem equals a life at this point
Y/n:all we know is one of us is going to die
Gabbie:so is it everyone for themselves?!
Tyler:no we gotta stick together we can't give up on each other
Joey:ok well we don't have the gem so we can't place the gem in its slot
Alex:Wait whats the next symbol?Is that a gear?
Y/n:yea it is
All of a sudden this alarm and red light starts blaring.i start covering my ears while everyone screams their hearts out.I'm dizzy from the red and white lights flashing,Tyler is on the ground,Andrea is screaming,Gabbie and Joey are screaming and Alex is just flailing his arms around.This might be the scariest lieutenant we've seen

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