Chapter 4

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I felt like my heart was going to burst up in my chest as I walked up the stairs. I felt like I was dreaming but never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would actually be spending time with Athena Adair.

Reaching the top of the stairs told me that the upper area of the club was a lot calmer than the downstairs part. The music was still prevalent but it was a lot quieter and there were fewer people up here. I quietly admired Athena as she led me to a table.

She wore a dark black dress that hugged her curves, the color of the dress complimenting her light brown skin perfectly. Her dark brown hair was styled into loose waves, some of them pinned back to show off her face. Her eyes were a striking hazel color, hints of green around the edges.

I managed to snap out of my observation before we arrived at the table. Sitting at the table was Adonis Adair, a glass of whiskey in his hand. He had tanned skin with dark black hair, a few gray hairs streaking through it. He wore a black suit that matched her dress with a light blue tie. His eyes were a deep brown color.

"My dear, I was wondering where you had gone," Adonis greeted as Athena sat next to him. He pulled her close, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "And who is this?" he asked as he turned his gaze to me.

"You worry too much," Athena had muttered against the kiss before he had pulled away from the kiss. "This is Aria Ahn, I ran into her earlier today and I thought it was quite the coincidence to run into her again," she said with a small smile tugging on the corner of her lips.

"It's nice to meet you," I said softly, holding out my hand to shake his. He shocked me by instead bringing my hand to his mouth, pressing a kiss to the back of it. I felt my cheeks heat up, knowing that my surprise probably showed quite clearly.

"It's lovely to meet you as well," Adonis said, his deep voice sending shivers down my spines. "Would you like something to drink?" he offered, inclining his head to the ordering tablet.

"Oh no thank you, I've reached my limit for the night," I shook my head. Going out and drinking was fun but I never let myself get to the point that I was really drunk. It's why my last few drinks had mostly contained little to no alcohol in them, that way I didn't wake up hungover tomorrow.

"Ahh understandable, my wife has reached hers as well which is probably why she's started to kidnap random people to talk to," Adonis said, glancing at Athena who shot him a glare. "So how do you like the ordering system, pretty ingenious right?" he asked, changing the subject when she glared at him.

"You don't have to answer him, he's fishing for compliments on his latest coding," Athena said as she rolled her eyes. It took a moment for it to set in, probably because I was tiny bit tipsy, but I realized that meant that he had worked on stuff at the club.

"You made the conveyor system?" I asked curiously, my eyebrows crinkling slightly as I looked at him.

"Of course, it's my club after all. Why wouldn't I create everything here?" Adonis asked, sounding quite proud. My brain short circuited for a moment before I managed to clear my thoughts.

"How did you code the domes over the plates to come up when you set the tablet in front of it?" I asked curiously. Adonis seemed pleased with my question, smirking at Athena.

"At least someone understands how awesome it is," he told her before he turned his attention back to me. "So basically there's a scanner built into the wall that scans the tablet to ensure that the right item has been placed on the conveyor. All of our drinks and food items have different weights so that way it can also tell by weight," he said.

I listened with rapt attention, surprised that he was so willing to explain his invention. I quickly realized that it was probably because his creations were something very important to him. Athena seemed amused by his excited talking about it, eventually getting him to stop after a couple minutes.

"Babe, I love you but you're going to end up giving away company secrets," she told him as she smiled slightly. Adonis paused in realization before he nodded his head.

"I'm sorry love, you know how rarely I get to talk to people about my inventions," Adonis said as he took another sip of whiskey. "Looks like I'm needed over there," he said, gesturing off to the opposite side of the room where a man was waving him over. Athena let him out of the booth before she slid back in, turning her attention to me.

"He really likes inventing things," I mused quietly, earning a small chuckle from Athena.

"Loves it, I think he'd never leave work if I let him," Athena said with a fond smile on her lips. "You seem to be interested in electronics as well," she stated.

"I know a few things about them, they're not my favorite thing in the world. I've wanted to work in the fashion industry for a long time," I said after a moment, shifting slightly as I sat up straighter.

"I've heard that's quite a competitive field, how is it going for you?" she asked.

"I've gotten a few jobs with some companies. My favorite one was where I got to design outfits for animals, mainly because I got to hang out with animals all day," I said with a small smile. I frowned as my phone buzzed, getting a text from Lexi.

'Ready to go?' Her text read to me.

'Give me a minute,' I responded before I looked up. "I have to go, my cousin is ready to go," I said with a small frown.

"Oh," Athena frowned for a moment before she pulled a small card from her purse. "This is my personal number, I would love to sit down with you and talk again. I've also got a few connections in the fashion industry that I think you would like to meet," she offered.

I didn't hesitate to take the card, a small smile on my lips. I thanked her before I left, turning the card over and over again in my hands. I was never going to turn down spending time with a beautiful woman especially if I got to talk about fashion which was something that I loved a lot.

I'm debating on whether I should make Aria know about regression or if I should have the Adairs introduce it to her? Thoughts?

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