Gentle in the Night Part 4

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(Y/N): Huh, guess that explains the light show we saw before arriving here.

Yukari: Perhaps you'd like to have a spar with Reimu as well?

(Y/N): At a time like this?

The blonde youkai only lightly giggled as she covered her face with her fan.

Reimu: What's done is done. You can go home now, Marisa.

Of course, this frustrated Marisa as she gripped her broom tightly, which confused you as she nearly threw a tantrum.

Marisa: No way! I'm going whether you like it or not!

Reimu: The rest of you can go home as well, I can handle this myself.

Yukari: *ahem*

Reimu: Except for Yukari.

She received a playful him in response while the other teams scowled at the shrine maiden.

Remilia: Nope.

Youmu: The rest of us have already made it this far, a little too late for us to back out now since we're nearly there.

Reimu only looks at you expecting for you to come up with your own reason for staying.

(Y/N): Hey don't look at me, I'm just making sure Patchy doesn't push herself too much... And truth be told, I've actually been itching for a fight myself.

Reimu's eye only twitched as she was practically ready to force everyone to return home until Yukari placed a hand on her shoulder.

Yukari: Now now, why don't we allow them to join us? I imagine that it'll be fun with a team like this!

Reimu: *grumble* A little too much for an incident like this...

Alice: She does have a point, however even we do not know our enemy so we should be prepared for unpredictable circumstances.

You simply raised your hand as if you were in class, which drew everyone's attention towards you.

(Y/N): They were expecting us! Just earlier, we were practically set up for traps and one of them may or may not have an ability to drive people mad.

Reimu: Alright fine, Let's just go already!

Reimu practically stormed off as she was the first to move deeper into the bamboo forest. You moved towards Yukari and leaned in to whisper.

(Y/N): *whisper* Does she even know where we're going?

Yukari: Of course, they're battle seemed to have opened up a path towards our destination.

She then gestured toward a random direction and turned to find a small building not far from your position. A lot of the bamboo that concealed the building had been burned away as a result of the battle between Reimu and Marisa.

(Y/N): *whistle* What were they even fighting about?

You felt a pat on your shoulder as Marisa approached.

Marisa: Just the both of us suspecting each other of the fake moon... By the way, I thought you were blind?

You shrugged in return since you were unable to explain the proper reason.

(Y/N): Guess the spell wore off or somethin while we wer-

Marisa was quick to cover your mouth with one hand in order to force you to stop talking.

Marisa: Hey as long as you're feeling better!

(Y/N): *In thought* I wasn't even going to mention it like that!

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