Within the Shadow - Part 1

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(Y/N):: *yawns* I already miss my futon back home.

You were currently rising from your slumber as the morning quickly rose and the official first day of your first "incident resolving" duty has started. Admittedly, you were unsure if solving the mystery of the fog would count but you felt as though this particular incident would greatly affect everyone around you.

Reimu: Do you have to yawn so loud?

The shrine maiden entered the room and yawned as well as she returned from her own segment of the night shift.

(Y/N): Anything?

Reimu: Nope. It was quiet for the rest of the morning. Seems like whoever attacked last night did not plan to stick around.

(Y/N): I see...

Sakuya: Ah, the both of you are awake.

Sakuya suddenly appeared in the room, with a slight bow, before gesturing towards the door.

Sakuya: Breakfast is already prepared, please join us so that we may begin the first day of resolving this incident.

Reimu: That was fast.

(Y/N): You get used to it. We'll be right out.

The maid nodded and quickly exited the room, which was currently Reimu's room since the guest room was currently occupied by Cirno and the other two unconscious friends.

Reimu: She didn't have to go through all of that trouble.

(Y/N): Yeah... Good luck trying to convince her.

Reimu: *sigh* I'll meet you in the dining room.

In The Other Room

As the white haired woman slowly awakened, images of the locked box in Reimu's collection flashed in her mind. She remembered Reimu hiding the key in a separate room however, even the key itself was locked within a puzzle box.

Lucius: *in thought* He's still out there.... I need to find the right moment to slip away...

The woman rose from her futon and stretched only for her to find Cirno kneeling beside her unconscious friend.

Lucius: How is she?

Cirno: ... I don't know.

It was quite strange for Lucius to hear sadness from the blue haired fairy however she felt sympathy for the small girl. The green haired girl was still breathing although, it seemed weaker than the previous night. The red haired woman beside Daiyousei was breathing the same as before.

Sakuya: Is everything alright?

The maid entered the room to check in on the occupants.

Lucius: Just the same as before.

Sakuya: I see... Well, I have prepared a meal for everyone. Please feel free to join when you are ready.

Lucius: Hey can I ask talk to you for a minute?

Sakuya: Of course.

Lucius quickly exited the room and allowed the silver haired girl to follow until they were in a completely different room.

Sakuya: What is it that you wanted to speak about?

Lucius: I think the green one isn't going to make it...

Sakuya: So you've noticed as well.

Lucius: But the one you brought here seems completely fine... Is she not a fairy as well?

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