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Thursday March 10th 2022

The blasting music of Neoni's Darkside filled the empty dance studio. Caleb's body moving together with the beats as the song continued on. We had been in the studio for almost an hour by now. I sat on the floor, observing the movements made by the boy in front of me, it was almost something enchanting in the way he moved. A few weeks ago I had dreaded the classes, constantly trying to get a pass from Andrew so I didn't have to attend them at all. But now, it somehow was one of the best parts of the week. With the pain in my ribs and a complaint from both Andrew and Caleb had stopped me from practicing for the upcoming competition. As the song finished and Caleb fell down to the floor I got up from where I was sitting and walked to my bag by the door to grab my computer, groaning once I'd bend to fish the computer up. "Are you leaving me here alone to die?" Caleb's whining had started a while ago as he made a mistake and I had pointed it out. I smiled, laughing at the comment, once again groaning at the painful action. Turning my head and body I put my hand on my chest, dramatically pretending that I was offended. "I would never. Chill out, I'm just grabbing my computer" Holding up the device as I said it before walking back to my previous spot. "Why, are you taking notes on my awesomeness? Unfortunately for you, that's something you're born with" There was a moment of silence, a poker face on Caleb's face before we both cracked up and the room that was filled with music was now echoing with our laughter. "Nah, I've got this english presentation tomorrow and it's not good." I said as I opened the computer and got into my document. "Oh come on, I've seen one of your presentations from English class, and even more in history-" "Wait you're not in my class" I interrupted. He laughed a little before continuing. "No, I'm in regular English. Mr.Barrow and Mr.Gregor once collaborated in a class and they showed your presentation video. It was really good." I smiled, looking anywhere but at him. Not exactly comfortable of compliments on my work by someone other than teachers once in a while. I shook my head and focused back on my assignment, not coming very far as Caleb interrupted me two minutes into it. "What do you have this far?" My eyes redirected from the screen to the guy in front of me. The once planned dance practice turned into a small study session about my presentation tomorrow. It was nice to get some feedback and I had finished the thing in just under half an hour. We had decided to help each other in the upcoming exams, as we had advanced classes in different subjects we could easily help each other out.


My thoughts wandered off as I walked home. Having this bad feeling in my stomach, like something was about to happen. Shrugging it off for the time being as it would just make me nervous as I walked home. Still keeping up my guard as I continued walking home, keeping one ear clear of my headphones. This bad feeling was never good, it was the same as when I just came home in the evenings after work, knowing mom would be home waiting. Shaking the feeling off, trying to ignore it as best as I could. My mom wouldn't be at home when I arrived, that she had been clear with when she had texted me during my shift. Not surprising due to the significant decrease of her presence in the apartment after her newly found boytoy of the week. It's a good thing, I could finally let my ribs heal and the bruises disappear for a moment. There was nothing I had to worry about. No matter how many times I tried reassuring myself that the feeling was just nothing to think of, it still lingered in the back of my head. I walked into a smaller convenience store, which I had seen some people in, in an attempt to calm down with the presence of others. Looking around the small store for some extra groceries somewhat helped the feeling to subside. I walked up to the cashier with the few items I had with a small smile on my face and paid before I left the store, deciding it was time to get over my racing thoughts and get home. 


Well hello hello again:))

Long time no see...again

Anyway sorry for the short chapter...I've had a lot of tests and much to do the past couple of weeks.

I've also planned out the base of another story that will come out when it's ready:)

Till we meet again


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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