not sure yet...... new chapter start here sorry for the mix up

Start from the beginning

I moved from the floor to the bed to so that we could relax during our long  girly conversation, it felt nice to have someone like Alice to talk to…

“Anyways Bella you were saying” Alice said hitting my arm like I did to hers.  Ok so we started to finish talking and then my phone went off but I don’t know why I didn’t feel it really you know I just realized after when I looked at it again but anyways. “And then what happened” Alice squealed. Ok so we both looked at each other at the same time just like to finish talking you know and then we went to lean in to kiss me and it was really weird cause I did that same  I told her and she started to sit up and jump. “so so did you kiss tell me Bella don’t leave a girl hanging” Alice said almost falling off the bed.

Well you see we were just about to but then I felt my phone ring and it was Edward and I had seen that I had already had two missed calls so I told him I was sorry but I needed to take the call so no we didn’t kiss but as soon as I saw that it was Edward I felt like crap for being with another guy and Edward and I aren’t even together but I think I want to be you know and now do you see why I need your help Alice….”Alice” “Alice are you listening” I told her “I need your help” she looked at me and smiled. “wait so you didn’t kiss” Alice said looking at me with a huge smile on her face. “well you se---“ I tried to say but she cut me off again. “ You did tell me tell me know” she giggled. “Ok ok Alice” I’ll explain some more.

I told Jake that we had to get back to the bonfire so I could tell my dad bye but before we walked back he looked down and smiled at me, told me that he was glad I was back and wanted to hang out more so that we could get to know each other so we could be more then friends someday. I went to tell him that I would love to hang out and be friends and see were that takes us but I couldn’t cause he leaned down and kissed  just a peck but still a kiss and then I was so shocked I didn’t know what to say you know. And that was it then we walked back and I left and Edward came and got me and then I new I was going to be in huge trouble. Liking two guys and not knowing what to do…. So Alice are you going to help me or not…

Alice didn’t say anything she just grabbed my phone. “ Alice what are you doing” I asked her. She put up one finger for me to hold on and then the only thing she said,” I am trying to help you like you want”.

She gave me back the phone after she sent the massage to Jake  I was guessing.

I took the phone and read what she wrote as she got up from the bed and opened the door. “Bella I will be down stairs getting stuff ready for our girls night read what I wrote and then come down ok and we will forget about the whole thing and then the fun can start and we will see what happens okay” She told me heading out the door.

I flipped the phone open. And read what it said.

Bella:Jake hey I don’t need anything but thank you for asking again, I also wanted to say that I had a fun time today at the BBQ and I also think I should tell you that I really like you but I do really like someone else to I hope you are not mad at me for not telling you but I think what I need right now it to figure out what I need cause I am young and I really want to date so as long as its okay with you then I would love to still hang out and see were things go but just know that I am still doing that with the other guy I like…

I read it and re-read it to make sure my eyes weren’t seeing things but nope she really sent it.. then I saw that there was one more text from her to him so I read that one two.

Bella: Jake also I wanted to say that either way I would love it if we could always be friends no matter what. And to your questions before my new friends are the Cullen’s Alice has become a very good friend to me and we hit it off great. I will see you Sunday for dinner we can talk more then or if you don’t want then we don’t have to.

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