Chapter 19

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Isabelle's POV

"We need to get Leo and get out of here."

I screamed through the headset as everyone on the top platform turned to look us. I looked over my shoulder to see the other three turtles nod their heads before bouncing up the stairs towards their brother. I watched as Casey and April followed them as well, leaving me down there with just an unconscious Mr. Winters.

"Guys Kelly was able to lock down security so that Karai and her reinforcements can not get inside."

Liz and Kelly were outside the building in the shell raiser giving us extra support from out there. Master Splinter had regretfully stayed home with Chanel and Tyler. I didn't respond to what Liz had said, I had quickly thrown down my bow and ran over to Winters.

I carefully placed my fingers against his neck and felt that he still had pulse, as I was pulling my hand away he suddenly reached up and grabbed a hold of my arm.


His voice was harsh and sounded dry. As I looked down at him I realized who he was. The foreigner from my vision, the one who had betrayed Junko.


I asked quietly trying to pull my arm back from his grip, he didn't let go however. He slowly sat himself up into a sitting position shaking his head slightly.

"You must get out of here."

He stated as he stood up on his feet, shoving me towards the door. I froze in my steps, forcefully pulling my arm away from him. I stared up into his chocolate brown eyes seeing that he had concern in his eyes. I had become so focussed on the two of us that I no longer heard the fighting, it was all blocked out to me.

"Why did you betray Junko? She loved you."

I felt a sharp pain in my chest as if my heart was breaking slightly but not for me. I watched Mr.Winters as he let out a sigh placing his hands on my shoulders.

"I made a terrible mistake, that I have been trying to correct for 3,000 years. Please Isabelle get out of here."

He pleaded with me, I simply shook my head and backed myself away from him.

"I can't just run and leave my family behind."

He looked down at me and closed his eyes. I watched as he nodded his head a smirk spreading across his face.

"You are so much like Junko. I will help you in your battle."

At first I was shocked by what he said but soon a smile spread across my face. Before I could respond to him as voice came through my head set.

"Izzy some of the soldiers got past us. Their heading your way."

Raph's voice sounded forced as he tried to control his breathing. I quickly looked over Winters shoulder and saw a swarm heading our way. With out another word I rushed back over to my bow and quiver of arrows, Winters pulled his sword out of its sleeve.

The battle went on and it seemed as if Takeshi's army was never ending. My arrows started to decrease and I couldn't even see the guys any more or hear them, sweat was rolling down my face as I grabbed one of few arrows I had left a booming voice called out.


Everyone stopped fighting and that's when everything came perfectly into view. The guys were only a few feet away from me and Winters, sweat pouring off of them all. April and Casey were on the other side  they looked exhausted as well, my attention quickly turned to Takeshi who was slowly making his way towards me.

As he stepped closer to me I lifted my bow, an arrow aimed right towards his head.

"If you keep coming I'll let it fly."

He stopped for a moment and began to chuckle. Suddenly Foot solders filled the room, catching my attention because they weren't supposed to be able to enter.

"You know good and well that your arrow will not hurt me. After all I am immortal, but if your dead set on letting the arrow fly I would reconsider."

He snapped his fingers and from behind him Karai appeared holding a dagger up against Kelly's throat, another solider appeared next to her hold a dagger to Liz's throat. Donnie and Mikey both yelled out and tried to charge forward, but Leo and Raph grabbed them holding them back.

I looked at my two friends in front of me seeing that they had fight in their eyes, my grip tightened on my bow.

"You have to promise me that you won't hurt them."

I locked eyes with Takeshi who wore an evil smirk. Kelly and Liz started to struggle in their aggressors arms, Winter's tried to rush towards me but was cut off by the solders surrounding him, the guys watched in shock.

"I promise they will not be harmed, any of your little friends."

I let his words sink in before letting out a sigh of defeat, letting my bow and arrow drop to the ground. This seemed to set Leo and the others into motion, they all tried to storm forwards but were cut off and in an instant they were disarmed and forced to they're knees.

Karai tossed Kelly and Liz towards the others and soon they were in the same position, Takeshi laughed as he looked at them, he slowly walked over to them standing in front of Leo and before I could react he kicked him right in the face.

"HEY! Keep your attention on me you son of a bitch!"

I screamed as Leo fell over coughing, causing my heart to break slightly. Takeshi moved at inhuman speed and in an instant he had me by throat lifting me off the ground.

As he started cutting off my air as he forced me back against he wall.  As my air became limited I stared clawing at his hand, I could hear the others calling out but it sounded like it was so far away. Takeshi's cold brown eyes bore into mine as he spoke to me.

"You now have all of my attention."

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