🧞‍♂️Charming genie🧞‍♂️

Começar do início

Gamer cutie: You didn't tell me you were an idol, co-player. Ortho would like to hear you sing more too.

Little old man: Aren't you full of surprise? We'll have to sing together soon.

I then went on magicam where I had the most notifications 'Gosh. I gained mass followers.' Everyone saw my performance at Scarabia apparently and I have a lot of likes and comments.

'2.3M... not bad.'

Holiday will soon be done so it's time for everyone to get back to their respective places.

Back at the residence. The ghosts seemed relived to see them in their own way "You've been gone for so long, I started to wonder if you were GONE gone, you know? We worried ourselves half to death! Get it? Hee hee hee..." "But hey, glad to see you're okay." "We took care of tending to the fire fairies in the cafeteria fireplace while you were out."

Y/n laughed before thanking them. Grim and the ghosts went back in while Y/n stayed outside a little 

'I always loved snow.'

[You could freeze the world if you wanted too or got too sad.]

'...Are you taunting me?! I'm feeling better now!'

[Hehehe. Sorry, you know yourself.]

'So like... Can I summon you or my other clones?'

[Not yet. Understanding first.]

They sighed as a batman appeared upside down inches away from their face.

"Hi, Lily." They just greeted him.

He pouted as he got back down "It never works on you, does it?"

They chuckled as he handed them an envelope "I came to deliver a holiday greeting card from you-know-who."

They smiled at it "Thanks, Lily. I didn't plan anything but..." they closed their hand as it glowed then opened it.

"The light one for Silver, the green one for Sebek, the pink one for you, the black one for Mal and the purple one for me

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

"The light one for Silver, the green one for Sebek, the pink one for you, the black one for Mal and the purple one for me. Take that as a token of friendship."

Lilia's eyes shined as he took the crystal jewels. He smiled before looking at them "I knew I liked you. The others will be as delighted as myself from those gifts. Farewell for now, dove."

He disappeared. 'I still like this guy... man... doesn't matter.'

Y/n's pov

Grim ate well today so he fell asleep quickly. I was about to go to my side room to play when I fell in a trance. When I opened my eyes, I was on the floor. That was weird but I don't remember anything... wait... Mickey Mouse?

I still went to my side room 'Was that a dream? But I always remember my dreams. Why is the only thing on my mind that mouse? And how did I even pass out?!"

I drowned those thoughts in my head as I started playing. 'Idia~'

January 1st.

Ace and Deuce were engulfed in a hug before they could get a word out.

'I still don't like to admit it... but I missed them.'

The two blushed at the blatant show of affection but let it happen.

'I guess I'm kinda glad to see them again.'

'I missed you so much too!'

"Just look at them being all lovey-dovey over there." Grim said.

I let go as my face turned red "GRIM!"

I chased him as he tried running away. I ended up bumping into Jack. "Oi. Be more careful."

"Thanks for caring about me, Jackie." I hugged him too.

He flushed "I-I was not-"

"Did you get a tan during the holiday?"

"Why do you always change sub-"

"Oh you skied, didn't you? We need to do it together sometime."

He sighed and gave up, smiling "Okay, let's do that."

Grim thought he was out of harm's way but I didn't forget. I was about to catch him by surprise but someone bumped into me this time.

"Wh- Oh Epel. 'Sup?"

He sniffled, surprising me "Rgh... Dagnabbit..."

"Dude, are you-" he ran away before I could finish.

"Y/n, you shouldn't bully your little comrade." Ace teased me.

"Fine then I'll have you!"

He started running away 'I should still talk to Vil about this.'

"Aren't you energetic for the resumption?" Trey was here.

"N/n, I missed you so much!"

Cater took me and Trey for a hug. "Why me too?" Trey still didn't try to get away.

I got out of the hug when I spotted "Riddle!"

"Hello, Y/n. It's nice to-woah!"

I picked him up in a hug "Are you okay? I missed you? Your mother hasn't been bad, right? Should I scold (punch) her for you?"

Riddle's face was so red "Please... put me down..."

Mirror, mirror on the wall, the holiday is over. Now shall we start the fairest chapter?

Twisted wonderland x OP ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora