'I have to eat it with the duke.'

The mousse cake itself is fine, but Luana decided to make grilled meat with avocado as the main dish for the duke. She thinks about grilling the pork or beef ribs, then coating them with sauce and serving guacamole with bread and salad. And for dessert, macarons and mousse cake.


Luana grinned and began to cut the meat. She thought that if she started now, she could finish it by the time the duke arrived at the mansion.

And that idea was right.

"It smells delicious."

As soon as the duke returned, he immediately looked for Luana. However, Luana didn't know someone was entering the kitchen as she was too immersed in cooking.

'You lack self-awareness. Well, I understand because you said you were abandoned all along. What would they have taught the abandoned princess?'

His mood sank when he reached that point.

They locked Luana in the abandoned palace. Without any support, Luana and her nanny had to live on their own, so their clothes were a mess when they first met. She could never have thought of herself as a princess. At that time, it was just a passing thing, but now it's different. Luana wasn't someone who deserved to be treated that way.

The duke was glad that such a kingdom was destroyed. At least with the disappearance of the kingdom, Luana can do whatever she wants! And that will not change in the future.

The duke approached Luana, who was still preoccupied with cooking. He stood behind her and looked at her little hands, which were briskly moving over her shoulder.

"It's done!"

Luana, who was raising her head, found the duke only belatedly.

"Oh, when did you get here?"

"I just got here."

"You came just in time. I just finished cooking!"

"Is that so?"

"Yes, you can look forward to dinner tonight!"

'The way she lifts her head is cute.'

"Didn't you say I can look forward to every meal?"

"Because it's always delicious!"

"I can't deny that."

Luana, who left the tray to the maid, naturally walked beside the duke. In the morning, Luana showed she was burdened and rejected the duke's idea, but she seemed to have forgotten it while cooking. The corners of her mouth went up as she proudly explained the dish.

The sky blue eyes, which were usually cloudy, sparkled only at times like this, revealing a strong presence. The duke stared into her eyes and held her swinging hand. Luana was surprised and looked at him, but he casually held her hand. Her hand stiffened in his warm hand.

"D-did Vyan teach you this, too?"


He said yes, but actually Vyan didn't teach this to him. He just wanted to hold her hand, so he held it. However, if Luana withdrew her hand by any excuse, the duke would blame Vyan. Vyan has been getting a lot of money anyway, so it was okay to blame him.


Luana gritted her teeth and muttered in a low voice. It seemed like, 'I'll see you, Vyan!' Thinking about it made her feel better.

After arriving at the dining room, they let go of their hands and started eating. Out of embarrassment, Luana explained the dish when he began to eat it.

'Aah, yes.'

The food was really delicious. A woman named Rio was also good at cooking, but her dish tasted like edible garbage. But what Luana made tasted different from that. The white bread was fluffy and savory, and the taste deepened when he dipped it in the sauce. Both the slightly sour and spicy flavors were just pleasant.

Of course, he couldn't leave out the dessert. He really liked the macarons, which tasted various flavors due to the jam inside. He doesn't know how many he ate. The mousse cake that followed was the same. The cold cake he tried for the first time melted in his mouth, leaving a refreshing lemon scent.

"Next time, I'll make ice cream too."

"Ice cream?"

"It's made by freezing milk and sugar. It's delicious!"

Every time he listened to Luana, he always looked forward to the next meal because he knew the word 'delicious' came from her was all true. He then realized he had something to say.

"I decided to take a day off tomorrow."

"Can you take a break that often?"

Since she arrived at the Empire, the duke took a lot of breaks. Luana could only raise her doubts since he is the commander of the Imperial Knights; how can he take a break so often?

"I've been wandering around all this time, so it's fine to take a break like this. His Majesty won't say much."

"Then that's good to hear. What are you going to do while on break?"

"Didn't we decide to go on a date?"

"A date?"

Luana trying to finish the remaining mousse cake stopped her movement. He scheduled a date as soon as possible, and Luana was embarrassed to hear that.

"Yeah, you're free tomorrow, right?"

"I can make time."

She has nothing to do except cook anyway.

"Then let's go out together."

"Do you know where to go?"

"No problem, I've got it all figured out in advance. You just need to prepare yourself."

"Shouldn't we pack a lunch box?"

"No, it's fine. I don't think it's fair to ask you to pack a lunch box for our date, right?"

However, if she doesn't pack a lunch box, the duke will only eat a little. Luana offered after much consideration.

"Then let's make it together!"

"Do you want to make a lunch box with me?"

"Yes, it's not difficult."

She smiled, and he couldn't refuse. Eventually, the duke nodded.

"Alright, let's do it."

"Then I will prepare it in the morning, so do you think you can get up early?"

"That's not difficult."

She made an offer on a whim, but it was a pretty good one. Luana smiled slightly and looked at the duke, who was caught up in the mud.

Seeing Luana, the duke also smiled at her.

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