{chapter 8}

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The next morning I woke up at 10am, everybody was still asleep. So I decided to go and make breakfast. I decided on making some pasta for everyone.

I was halfway done cooking when Colby came downstairs and hugged me from behind, he started to kiss and suck on my neck.

"Colby, I swear if you a mark. I will hit you" I said as I turned around and took my phone out. "Ups, should have told me sooner" he said as I looked at my camera and saw a hickey on my neck.

I looked at Colby as he started running. I ran after him, after I cought up with him, I pushed him on the couch and started to suck on his neck, leaving 4 hickeys on his neck.

"How do you like that?" I asked as we stood up and he looked in the mirror. "I like them" he said as he pulled me in. "Of course you would like them" I said as I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"Oh shit my pasta" I said as I ran to the kitchen. "Fuck, now because of you I burned my pasta" I said as I slightly punched his arm.

"Hey, don't blame it on me" he said as I rolled my eyes.

I went to trow out the pasta. As Sam and Kat walked downstairs. "Something smells burnt" Sam said as I turned around. "I was gonna make you guys some breakfast, but that idiot had to ruin it" I said as I pointed to the hickey.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault, you did even worse" he said as he came over and pointed to his 4 hickeys. "You said you liked them" I said as I crossed my arms playfully.

"Looks like you guys had a lot of fun" Sam said laughing.

After some time I had made new pasta  witch wasn't burnt this time. "Hey pastas ready, and it's not burnt this time" I said as Colby rolled his eyes.

Everyone started eating, and talked. "Btw, are you ready for today's party?"  Jake asked us. "Omg I totally forgot about that" I said. "How could you forget it's Jakes birthday" Colby said as finished eating my food.

"Now, I'm offended" Jake said as he started to fake cry. "Hey Colby, wanna go to target with me" I asked as I washed the dishes. "I can't, I have a business metting" he said.

"I can come with you, if you'd like" Kat said as I started going upstairs. "Okay be ready in 15" I said as I walked in my room.

I got ready to leave. I went downstairs and saw kat waiting for me. We got outside and got in my car. We blasted some music. And in no time we were at target.

I parked my car, and we went into target. I didn't know what to get Jake but I knew that it was going to be something with alcohol.

"I don't know what to get him, well at least I don't know what type of alcohol he liked" I said to kat. "He'll definitely like the vodka" she said as I laughed.

"Yeah it definitely sounds like Jake" I said as I grabbed the vodka bottle, and grabbed some chocolate with whiskey in them.

We continued to shop for some while. After we got everything we needed it was almost 3pm. "We were there for 4 hours, I literally thought it was 20 minutes" I said as I looked at Kat.

"Same girl, I can literally shop for hours and I wouldn't get bored" Kat said as we put our stuff in my trunk, and started driving home.

When we got home we put our stuff on the counter. I quickly grabbed my present to Jake up in mine and Colby's room so Jake wouldn't see it.

When I got to the room. I saw Colby in the bed. "We're were you I thought you went missing or something" he said as I put Jakes present on the couch. "We were just shopping and got got a little carried away"

I sat as he stood up and kissed him. "I have to get showered and get ready for the party" I said as I pulled away.

"Can I at least join you?" He asked as he pouted his bottom lip out. "Okay but you can't do anything more than JUST shower" I said as I walked in the bathroom.

"That's not fair" he said as he rolled his eyes playfully.

We showered and did some stuff, cause Colby couldn't pull him self together.

We got out of the shower and got ready for the party, when I was ready I put Jakes present in a box and wrapped it carefully.

Once I was done, I got my gift and went downstairs and put the present were all the other gifts were. After some time the party was already starting. And we all took a couple of shots.

The rest of the party was great. I mostly don't remember what happened. But I remember waking next to Colby on our bed.

I looked under the sheets to realize I was naked.  I don't remember doing anything with Colby last night, so that was great, and I was completely hungover what was something I REALLY needed today.

I got in the shower trying to relax, but I couldn't cause my head wasn't calming down.

I got out of the shower got dressed and did my makeup so at least looked a little alive. I went downstairs and saw that it was a complete mess.

I started cleaning up the kitchen, because I had nothing better to do.
Once I was done with cleaning I felt soft hand's on my waist.

I turned around to see Jake. Wtf did I do something with his last night? Oh my god I hope no one knows what I did if I did something!

"Jake? Uhm.. did we do something last night?" I asked nervously as I checked if no one was coming. "Do you not remember?" He asked me as I shook my head.

"Well, after you gave me your present, you pulled me in a closet, and started making out with me" he explained as I looked at him nervously. "Does anybody know about this?" I anxiously asked.

"No" he said. "Thank god, please do not tell anyone about this please, I don't want to ruin my relationship with Colby" I said as he took a step back.

"Yeah okay, I'll make sure nobody knows about this" he said with a little sadness in his eyes. Fuck! What have I done, he looked hurt when I told him not tell anybody.

Did he actually have feelings for me? I don't know but I hope nobody finds out.

After some time everyone had woken up. It looked like I was the only one with a hungover. "Does anybody have any medicine for my head?" i asked. "Yeah I think have some in my bag, I'll go get it" Kat said as she ran upstairs.

I heard the boys talking about some kind of a Biltmore hotel. "Hey what are you talking about?" I asked as they looked at me. "Oh, we are going to this Biltmore hotel tomorrow, we are going to stay there and see if we can contact any gosths" Sam said.

"Ooo, can I come?" I asked as kat came over and handed me some medicine. "I'm sure you can come, if that fine with them" Colby said as he looked at the boys.

"Yeah I'm fine with that" Sam said as I drank some medicine. That day I just mostly stayed in mine and Colby's room. Cause my head wouldn't calm down.

It was 10pm and I decided to go to bed, cause I thought that was the best idea for my head.

~ Authors note ~

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next one is going to be better. 💗

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