{chapter 1}

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Hey, my name's Violet, I'm 21 years old I recently moved to LA to meet my childhood best friend Colby, we were friends in middle school until I found out he was moving, I didn't even get to say goodbye, after that we never talked or reunited again ofc I still missed him. When I was packing to go to LA I found my old phone from middle school at my house before I left.

When I got to LA I went to chilli's then I remembered something.

Violet" Colby yelled for me, I ran downstairs as I yelled back "what?" "Wanna go to chilli's with me" he asked. "Ofc I would your my best friend" when we got to chilli's, we ordered some good with the money our parents had given us, we had a great time, as we ate the food Colby said "this is my favorite fast food restaurant of all time and it will be till I die" he said causing me to laugh out loud.

"This is the cafe, we used to go eat to" I wisphered under my breath. I felt like crying but I didn't cause it would make people stare.

I sat down at one of the tables, I ordered my food then I went through my old phone. As I went through my contacts I saw Colby's name in it. I slowly put his number in my phone. I knew it was impossible that he had the same number he had in middle school, but I knew that I had to at least try.

The waitress gave me my food and walked away, as I rang the number and put my phone to my ear. It rang 2 times before someone picked up "no way" I said, as the person on the other line said "uhm... Who is this?" The person said.

"Hello, is this Colby who is speaking" I asked as the person answered "yes, who is this" I was shocked that I finally found Colby. " Hey Colby, I know you might not remember me. but I'm Violet" I said nervously.

"Wait really, is it you Violet??" He asked surprised. " Yes Colby it's me Violet from middle school" I answered as I smiled about the thought of me speaking to Colby.

"Where are you?" He asked " I'm at chilli's, in LA" I said as I heard him stand up and walk somewhere. "Wait send me your location, I'm coming' he said as I laughed a bit. "Okay, I'll send it to you right now" I said as heard him getting in his car.

20 minutes have passed and Colby had texted me that he was here. I quickly ran out and I saw Colby I ran into his arm, we hugged for what felt like hours. I was so happy.

After he let me go. He said " hey let's go in and order some food, and talk" he said. "I just ate" I said. "It's okay we can still talk" he said. We sat down and talked about everything that has happened since he left, I found out he was a big influencer that had millions of fans.

After we talked for hours, he offered. "Do you have a place to stay, if not you can come with me to my house and meet my roommates" he said. I hugged him "I don't have a place to stay, and I would love to meet you roomie's" I said.

"Alright then, let's go it's getting pretty cold out" he said as I nodded, we went to his car and drove home. I felt really happy about being with Colby, he always put a smile on my face when we were kids, he had this way to make me laugh when I was having a breakdown. He was the reason I was happy as a child.

When we got home, I was amazed by the mansion he lived in, it was dreamy. "Come on let's go inside, so you can meet my friends" he said as I followed him inside.

When we got inside, we went to the living room where was a couple of people. "Hey Colby, who's this?" A blonde guy asked as he looked at me. " This is my childhood best friend Violet!" He said as I just smiled and wawed.

Colby intrudueced me to his friends, "this is Katrina, Sam girlfriend, this is Sam, this is Corey, Devyn and Aaron" he said, as I greeted them all, they all were so nice to me. Then I heard foot steps coming from behind, I turned around to see this one gorgeous boy with pinkish blue hair.

"Oh and this is Jake" Colby said as he pointed to the gorgeous guy. " Hey Jake, I'm Violet" I greeted him. "Jake this is my childhood best friend Violet" he said to Jake, as Jake kept looking at me.

After meeting all of the roommate's, we all sat in the living room talking, and I got to find out about Colby's friends.

After about 2 hours of talking, we all decided to go to sleep. we all  started to sit up." Hey we're is Violet sleeping?" Jake asked " I have a couch in my room maybe she can sleep there, if she is okay with that" Colby said.

"Ur literally gonna let a girl sleep on the couch?" Jake asked Colby "I'm okay I can sleep on the couch, there is no problem" I said. "If your okay with that then it's okay" Jake said.

We made our way to Colby's room. I was feeling so tired that I didn't even hear Colby talking to me, until he snapped his fingers in front of me. "You okay Violet?" He asked me. "Yeah I'm just tired that all!" I said as I yawned.

"Okay then go to bed and sleep" he said. "Good night, colbs" I said. "good night V" he said as I sleept on the couch. V was a nickname for me that Colby used to call me, he called me V and I called him Colbs.

I felt happy that I was here with him again. I was finally happy again.

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