Have Faith (Keisuke Baji) 😠

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"So, you really think that you're just gonna keep dodging me, Baji?"

Finally. Ever since our meeting where Baji left Toman, I've finally got to see him. I stayed right outside his apartment door till he got home.

I wanted answers and now. This whole Valhalla stuff, this was nothing like Baji. There was more behind this and I wanted the truth.

"Y/N?" He huffed and rolled his eyes, "What are you doing h-"

Before he could finish, so much pent up anger leaked out of me, approaching him and backhanding him right across the face without any hesitation or second thoughts.

"I'm the one who'll be asking questions here! Especially after seeing what you did to Chifuyu! What the hell were you thinking, Baji?! Do you have any idea how much you mean to him?!"

Baji stared at the ground, even with his hair covering most of his face, I could see where his cheek was turning red, and he was beginning to shake.

"This is nothing like you! I know for a fact that you care about Toman! So, you're going to tell me, right now, why you are doing this!"

"It's no one's business but mine, Y/N," He murmured, eyes beaming through the strands of his hair, "So, just back off."

"Bullshit!" I was so angry that I grabbed that stupid Valhalla jacket with tight fists, making him stand up straight and look me in the eyes, "How long have I known you, huh? I know you and I know when you're lying! I won't say it again! Tell me!"

His eyes were growing teary while he stared at me and just like I knew, he was hiding something, it was visible in his eyes and the longer he stayed silent, the more frustrated I grew.

"Got damn it, Baji. You know that I love you," I began to cry from the anger and frustration, not wanting to do this, but raising my fist at him, "But if I have to beat it out of you, I wi-"

Everything froze when he grabbed me by the shirt, bring my lips to his and kissing me. I closed my eyes to take in the feeling, all of the deep emotions coming out of him, frozen and not even blinking when our lips parted, Baji being himself again when he whispered:

"And you know that I love you too. I'm sorry things have to be this way, but this is something I have to do on my own, Y/N."

"N-No, it doesn't," I cried more, holding his jacket tight again, "How many things have we tackled as a team and taken care of, huh? You don't have to do this alone, Baji!"

I didn't know if I wanted to smack him again or just give up. Nothing's ever turned me into such a crybaby. The tears wouldn't stop coming and Baji pulled me to his chest, arms wrapped around me tight:

"It's too late and again, I'm sorry. All I ask of you, is to have faith in me."

"I swear Baji," I guess it was truly too late, feeling defeated and picking my head up to glare into his eyes, "If things go to shit, I'm gonna kick your ass for it."

"I know," He murmured, wiping some of my tears away, "Like I said, just have some faith in me. I haven't told anyone a thing, so be grateful I'm telling you this much."

That he surely wasn't lying about. I could feel the stone cold seriousness in his eyes and knew I wasn't going to get any more out of him, even if I started hitting him again.

"Fine," I breathed in, trying to calm my nerves, seeing the redness radiating off of his cheek and so, I kissed it softly, whispering, "I have faith in you, Baji."

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