Sweet Dreams (Mikey - 🥰)

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Toman facing Valhalla was our toughest fight yet. We lost Baji, Mikey almost lost it, and I felt so useless!

They guys refused to let me fight, they didn't even want me there, but I still came to see and thinking about it, I sometimes wished that I didn't see any of it.

Mikey was who I was worried about most. Facing Kazutora and reliving the pain of losing his elder brother, losing one of his friends who was like a brother. He was the silent type when it came to deep emotion.

I knew he was hurting inside and I wanted to take some of that pain away.

Just as I thought, I found Mikey at Baji's grave, kneeled in front of the tombstone, fresh flowers in front of him.

Quietly, I kneeled down next to him, earning his attention:

"Oh, hi Y/N."

"Hey, Mikey," it was hard to smile during these times, but I put one on for him, looking up to the tombstone and feeling a deep sadness myself, but trying to keep things positive, "We'll get to see him again one day, and I'm sure we'll have a blast together."

"I'm looking forward to that day," He murmured, staring down at the ground, his hands on his knees, clearly getting a bit lost in his emotions.

Carefully, I placed my hand on top of his, his eyes peeking through the strands of his hair to meet mine, cooing to him:

"It's all gonna be alright, and let's live our best lives so we can make him proud, hm? I know he'd want that."

"I think so too," Squeezing my hand, I noticed that he'd been thinking about everything before I came, accepting this and letting it go.

That was a good thing and I hoped that I helped with that in some kind of way, a small smile on my face as he rubbed my hand before standing up, stretching as he thought aloud:

"My tummy's grumbling. I could use some good food right about now."

"Want to come to my place and I can make us lunch?" I offered, rising to my feet.

Curiosity flashed on his face, gasping slightly, "You cook?"

"Mhm!" I nodded, convincing him more, "Whatever you want to eat, I'm positive that I can make it. Made with tender love and care too."

"Well, what are we waiting for then?"

Giggles flew with me as he took my hand, having to run to catch up with him. He sure must've been hungry, holding my hand and taking me right home.

"You craving anything in particular?" I went right into the kitchen the second I stepped in the door, grabbing my apron and heading to the fridge as Mikey sat at the table, hand on his chin as he debated:

"Hmm, let me think."

Opening the fridge, I looked to see what I had at home that I could make easy and quick, seeing some salmon that was left and recommending:

"How does some miso-glazed salmon bento sound?"

"I like the sound of that!" Mikey was so adorable, rocking back in the chair and kicking his feet.

Grabbing all the veggies, rice, and salmon. I washed my hands, fired up the stove and got right to work.

Cooking was a great pass time and hobby that I picked up, already earning Mikey's praise as I was finishing up and plating our food.

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