Biker Prince Charming PT.2 (Shinichiro Sano -🥰)

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[Hey. You're still coming to hang with me, right?]

[Leaving right now. See you soon.]

"Who's got you smiling like that?"

"Probably Shinichiro!"

"Can it!" I teased, trying to hide the smile I had from texting Shinichiro, scolding two of my captains who liked to tease me.

"We're just playing!"

"Yeah, yeah," I sighed, zipping my jacket while sitting on my bike, "Didn't I dismiss you all?"

"Yeah, yeah!" She mocked playfully on her bike, "Need any of us to come to this party? We've had a lot of heat lately."

"Don't make me laugh," I spat, wanting time away from my gang but not being completely cruel to them either, "If anything goes down, I'll call."

Before she could answer, I took off, heading over to one of the hot spots in town where many youngsters hung out.

Pulling up, Shinichiro was outside, ashing his cigarette and waving at me.

"I didn't miss out on any fun, did I?" I smiled, parking and heading over to him:

"Just in time for it! Wanna get a bite and a drink?"

"Why not?" I shrugged, smiling as he held the door for me, eyes curiously reading the back of my leather jacket that had been painted on:

The Bitch.

"What's with the jacket?"

Of course, he had to ask, a smirk on my face as I answered him:

"A lot of people like to call me a bitch. But I'm not just some bitch. I'm The bitch."

"No," He protested, throwing his arm over my shoulder and trying to work his charm on me, "You're a princess."

"Gross," I teased while rolling my eyes. Since we could seat ourselves, I found a table in the corner, throwing his arm away playfully while taking my seat.

"You know it's true!" He kept teasing, both of our eyes darting across the room as we heard:

"There's that bitch."

Hearing that it was a guy's voice put anger in Shinichiro's eyes, but I was calm as could be, knowing it was some guy that my girls had taken down before, whispering to Shinichiro:

"Hey, don't sweat it. I got this."

Sure enough, he was heading my way, standing up without even turning around but saying:

"I guess you're talking about me?"

"Yeah, you! Bitch!"

"You better watch how you talk to her!" Shinichiro wouldn't listen to me nor tolerate what he was hearing.

"Shinichiro?" He was no stranger to the life we lived, and people knew him, shocked to see him with me, "This isn't your business, so back off, man."

"He's right," Finally facing them, I stepped up, stone-cold in my words, "You're not worth any of my time. So-"

"No, no, no! You girls think you're hot shit! Prove it!"

This guy was seriously squaring up to me. Everyone surrounding us looked at me like I was mad when I only laughed at him, putting my hands into my pockets.

"What's so damn funny? Hu-"

Mid-sentence, even though it was a cheap trick, I kicked him right in the dick, holding his head up with my foot as he nearly fell over and gagged.

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