Falling (Future Taiju Shiba - 🍋)

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I knew that sooner or later that the lifestyle I chose would catch up with me. After what I had to do and knew that no one was on my trail, I treated myself to dinner.

This restaurant was beautiful, getting a table beside an enormous aquarium, filled with admirable fish species. The food was excellent, and the aged wine was to die for. I took my time to savor every bite and sip. Much so that I was the last person there as they were soon closing.

"I hate to sound rude, but we'll be closing shortly."

The waiter was only doing his job, nodding but asking, "Let me finish the rest of this wine?"

He was pending on how to respond, till a man twice his size stood beside him:

"She can stay."

"Thank you," Gazing to Taiju in the corner of my eye,

I didn't leave the waiter empty handed, pulling a stack out of my purse, handing it to him, "Your service was excellent. Here's your tip."

"W-Why thank you, ma'am," He expressed, astonished by my generous tip.

Taking the dishes, then pacing to the back, I sipped my wine as Taiju sat across from me:

"Haven't seen your face in a long time."

"Same to you," I hummed, complimenting, "What a wonderful establishment you own, Taiju. Too bad I probably won't come back."

"What? Toman have you moving around?" He mumbled with a cigarette in his mouth, lighting it, looking confused as I whispered with a chuckle:

"Oh no. After tonight, I'm sure they'll send their top dogs to kill me."

"Kill you?" Being one of Toman's upper echelon for over a decade made my words confuse him, wanting to learn more as he hit his cigarette, "What have you gotten yourself into?"

"They pushed my buttons for the last time," Reliving the violence I went through tonight, gripping the wine glass and staring at a bruised knuckle, I explained, "I want out, but I'm sure you know that's easier said than done."

"What did you do?" Wanting a more direct answer, leaning over to me as he puffed out smoke, I stared into his eyes, heart hurting despite the coldness in my eyes and voice:

"I've committed unspeakable sins, Taiju."

I didn't need to say more for him to understand, watching him sigh and shake his head, sighing myself as I took my purse:

"I can only hope my soul will be spared when my time comes."

"Wait just a minute," Putting out his leg to prevent me from standing, he had ideas in his mind, "I may not be into gang activities anymore, but you can probably answer a question that I have."

"That is?" Crossing my legs, I knew exactly what this was leading to:


"You have my deepest condolences," I whispered, guilty as I knew Toman was the reason why Hakkai was gone, "I have an answer that you're not going to like."

"Tell me anyway," He demanded and since I understood, I gave him the bit of knowledge I had regarding his death:

"Mikey and Izana. The things Mikey did regarding old members were only between them. Mikey's dead, but Izana, he's a slippery bastard."

"I imagine he's leader now," He guessed, nodding to confirm, only able to watch with sympathy as he took a deeper hit of his cigarette, a scowl on his face from the thought of Izana, "A bastard he is."

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