Chapter 14

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Behold, the fattiest, rattiest, of rats. Yeah it's my dog and I'm writing this with her sleeping on my lap and crying because she wants me to pet her more. CHIHUAHUA, YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN.

Day 9

The routine was the same as always. Other than the fact Nozomi officially lost her job. It wasn't her fault, it was just that society was terrible and thought women should stay home and men should get jobs instead to hold up the family. So Yūkan was going to have to get a job or else we couldn't get food or necessities. If anything, now the only job she could properly get into is becoming a house wife for someone but then Yūkan had no one. Not gonna lie, he sort of got lazier over time when I was with him. It seems like there wasn't anything he would do other than try to flirt with other girls.

The worst part about everything, is that Muzan may know where I am now thanks to Akaza. I would leave, believe me, but where else is there to go? Sure, I can leave Japan, but I know one day I will be found. The controversial conversation in my brain was so much for me. The comprehension of all of this was hard. Plus with conflict with all my other friends, I believe things are going to get worse.

All I could do was try to think and plan, or just go with the flow which sucks since I'm on edge and about to literally flip out. Yūkan was just laying around while Nozomi was yelling at him. I could only groan at this.

"Y/n, how about you go for now, pick up any mail or letters we have," Nozomi said. She was frustrated but wanted to make sure I wasn't concerned with this. It was nice and all, but I believe Yūkan should be listening to Nozomi. I got up and exited the house, trying to clear my mind. There wasn't going to be any mail today but I know Nozomi doesn't want me to get involved with the family drama. I just decided to go to the market, maybe get some food.

Not a lot of people were out today. It was surprising considering how everyone has been buzzing through the town day in and day out. Stands that had things like Ramen, rice cakes, sweet potatoes, and soba were served to try. There were also products brought in from other countries. I've wondered what it would be like to travel over seas to the continents. Its weird living on an giant island that is apart or Asia and it being one of the smallest places in Asia. It can make people feel small, you know?

I decided I would like to buy some sweet potatoes today. I haven't tried them and I think it would be great to try something different. I also decided to buy some sushi to just go as a side with it. Once I got it in a box, I went over to sit in a small area with a bench. Today, it was very cloudy but rain didn't seem to be in the forecast. Of course, I see Rengoku, walking in a straight pathway. Something was definitely wrong. He was tired and cold. Bags formed under his eyes and he tried to stay strong, holding himself up. He was searching for me for so long, staying up day and night trying to find the demon who people believed was terrorizing the people of the town. He may just give up and think the demon he slayed before was the demon. He only has less than a week until he leaves and it seems like this demon he was looking for would never show.

"Rengoku-san, here," I said, patting at the spot next to me. "Take a seat. Your too tired to keep at this. You won't be able to find the demon if your this tired." It felt wrong to keep this from him. He came over and sat down, sighing. I handed him my container of food. It appeared he hadn't eaten in a while.

"I can't, y/n," he said. I continued to push the box at him until he accepted it. As he opened it he smiled slightly.

"I know, I'm the world's nicest person."

"And somehow you know what food I like?"

"You like sushi?"

"No, I love sweet potatoes."

"It's just a coincidence, you know that right?"

"It might be, or it's something else."

"Like what?"

"A sign we should get more sweet potatoes." I pushed him slightly and laughed as he did as well. He seemed more cheerful and happy. I'm thankful for that but I want to tell him. I want to tell him the truth and why this was happening. I wanted to tell him I was a demon. But I was to afraid. Now wasn't the time.

"Rengoku, do you think that this demon is really around here?"

"I'm not sure really. But I want to keep looking, that way I know for sure people are safe." I smiled slightly.

"I'm glad you look out for everyone around you."

"Not Yūkan though. That guy is probably a guy who pulls women and also is trouble. Want to know what he told me that night at the festival?" I was intrigued now. I never knew what it was Yūkan said, but Rengoku harmed him because of it. Something had to be wrong if he hurt Yūkan. But what?

"What was it?" Before Rengoku could say anything, Yūkan came up from behind.

"Y/n, there you are!" He said, trying to force a happy tone. "You gotta come back home, Nozomi and I have to talk with you for a minute." I nodded as he took my arm and tried to pull me away.

"Wait, Rengoku needed to tell me something," I said to him. Yūkan scowled at Rengoku but reluctantly let go. I ran over to Rengoku and he pulled me close. My face heated up instantly.

"Y/n," he whispered in my ear. "He told me you were the demon. He a said you killed them."

The Souls In The Flames: A Rengoku x Reader StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz