Chapter 12

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                                Day 6

   I couldn't understand why this happened. Why would Rengoku just attack Yūkan. I know they didn't get along well at first for some reason, but it won't help unless I know why. Maybe it was an argument or... something? I don't know!

   Being friends with someone who can murder you in seconds is nothing but a pain in the butt. I can't help but feel like it was my fault this happened. I should have just hung out with Yūkan like I promised. Now I feel, like a jerk. I flopped down on my bed and sighed. Right on cue, the door was knocked on. I slowly got up and went to the door. Upon opening it, I see the flame haired man. Before he can speak or even make a peep, I slammed the door in his face. I felt bad but I had to.

   "I'm not in the mood today Rengoku-san!" I yelled to him. All I could hear were muffled words, but I didn't open the door to hear it. I just walked off and left him. I was way too mad to talk to him. I know, pretty dumb choice in action. There was no noise, like Rengoku had left.

   "What are you doing y/n?" I turned around to see Yūkan, arms crossed and a curious look on his face. His eye had been bruised and his nose broken. I felt like it was my fault all this happened. Like I could have done better for him. Like I could have resolved it and noticed the conflict.

   "Nothing, I'm just going to the market," I lied. Yūkan gave me some money and I walked out the door. I hated having to lie to them but it's for the best. Maybe I should just leave so they won't be bothered by me. I thought a little longer. It's safer here than anywhere else so far.

   I peeked through the crack of the door to see if Rengoku was still there. Luckily, he was gone. A wave of relief washed by as I walked out. I just needed a break. The forest, maybe? I'm not sure anymore. I decided to just walk ahead and away. Anywhere away from here and my problems were nice. I walked to the main road that led out of town. My right hand came up to my face as I rubbed my head. I felt as if I was experiencing a major migraine. My stomach felt as though it was twisted in both guilt and fear. It felt as if the ground itself was moving. Like a see of green waves were about to wash over me at any moment. I shook, knowing I couldn't escape this.

   I continued to walk the path up the road and to the forest, feeling nothing but pain. I could just be anxious, but it was more of a deepened feeling of sadness. I was depressed. I felt as though I couldn't do this. Do anything right. Be normal. If I just left back to father, everything would be normal. I would take his place if he died. I would give him the immunity from the sun he had wanted. He would have actually cared. Maybe I would really love Akaza.

   I pushed these feelings down. I know that I couldn't do it forever. I paced myself to go faster, speed walking deeper into the dark woods. The trees were huge. Tall and blocked most of the sunlight. The wind had begun to pick up, sweeping the leaves so they flew against me. I couldn't take this anymore. I had never knew my mother for so long, but she cared enough to keep me alive. But what is the point in living if I was nothing but obsolete. Never to be good enough. No one that really cared.

   I slumped down against a tree, burrying my face in my knees. If I left, no one would really care, right? My bladed fan was hidden away. I never wanted to hurt people again, not even demons. Tears burned m eyes as I let them slip down my face. What do I do? Why should I continue this eternal torture? A quiet voice slipped into my mind.

   "You are here, y/n, because you deserve life. A real one, my precious flower," the quiet voice had said. I looked up, not seeing anyone. It felt so real, so familiar. I sat up and looked around.

   "Mom?" I said quietly, in almost a whisper. I walked around the forest in a quick manner.

   "Mom?" I spoke more loudly. Tears brushed down my face as I paced quickly.

   "Please mom, don't leave me," I cried running. The leaves swept around in a manner of a small tornado. I ran to it, hoping for a sign, anything, that she was still here. No one was here. No one answered. Just silence. I held myself, hoping to comfort my self. My stomach gave in as I țh€₩ ů# on the ground. Sobbing and filled with pain, I closed my eyes.

   "Y/n," a soft, masculine voice spoke. I turned quickly to look at him, my heart throbbing. Rengoku?

   "Y/n," a soft, masculine voice spoke. I turned quickly to look at him, my heart throbbing. Rengoku?

   "Wh-" I stopped abruptly as I spoke, looking at the man in front of me. Fear over took my body and I was paralyzed. How did he find me? Why was he here? In daylight but I understand it's still shaded here. Right infront of me, stood him. I was done for.

   "Master Muzan has been looking for you. Tell me, why did you run from me, y/n?" Akaza spoke.

The Souls In The Flames: A Rengoku x Reader Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें