Chapter 8

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Yikes, This Took A While To Write And think Of.

    For the rest of the day, I helped Nozomi and Yūkan with chores around the house and settled in. But I was still concerned about the situation with Muzan. What if he found me? What if he is hunting me down? What should I do? I had to push down those 'what if' thoughts and focus on now. I was free, and I wanted to keep it that way.

    The night I slept was peaceful. The problem was that I was starving. I had to kill people in order to survive but what about the boy with the checkered kimono? His sister could still be alive. My solution to my problem was to kill one person a day. Not from the same village of course. Once I woke up the next morning, Nozomi was gone and Yūkan was cooking. It looked like he was making curry. The smells were sweet and good. Would I be able to eat this though? I never tried eating human food. Maybe if I ate it, I won't have to kill people. Yūkan put the curry on a plate and handed it to me. He then got himself a helping of curry.

    "I don't know what you like to eat so I made some sweet apple curry," He exclaimed. I was slow but once I took a bite, my mouth watered. It was really good. I ate faster and once I finished I looked up at Yūkan. Instead of thinking that I was odd, he smiled.

    "I'm really glad you like it, I could get you some more," He said. I nodded as he put more food on the plate. "Today Nozomi is going to be working for a few hours. We tried to contact one of our friends so he could hang out with us but he's been sick lately."

    "Oh," I responded. "Maybe you should leave him until he gets better. For now we could just hang out and get to know each other." His smile widened as he continued to eat.

    "I'd like that a lot. So what brings you here to this village?" I thought for a moment.

    "I wanted to start a new life. My dad was going to marry me off to someone I didn’t actually love so I ran away. Maybe now I can find the life I've always wanted."

    "Goodness, I don't know what the problem is with parents anymore. They've been doing nothing but control our lives just to profit off of us. At least, that's what some parents do." The rest of the evening seemed to fly by. Once Nozomi came back, she hung out with us and talked. Little by little, I knew more about my friends. Nozomi made dinner for the night, which was soba. The days were just wash, rinse, and repeat. Nozomi went to work, I hung out with Yūkan, and we all ate together at the end of the day. If I'm really honest, this is amazing. No demons had made appearances here so that was good.

    Of course, things had to change just a few months into my stay. There was a demon that had been killing people late at night. I couldn't put my friends in danger if this demon was on the loose. But I couldn't risk being found out. Slowly, the amount of people in the village began declining. My thoughts were to go after and look for the demon. Every night I walked around and looked for the demon, only to find corpses and blood everywhere. Back to the present time, I wouldn't give up.

    It was around midnight and I got up from my bed. I began walking towards the door and left my room. I soon made it out of the house and walked around. People were on a curfew here so I didn't expect to see many bodies. What I didn't expect was to not find any. I suddenly heard footsteps from behind and I quickly turned around. 

    "What are you doing out here? You should be inside your home right now," A male voice said. I could hardly believe it. It was Rengoku. But why was he here right now? Wait, demon. 

    "I was… I was looking for the demon. I can't risk my friend's safety if that thing is still here," I said.

    "Y/n? Long time no see, I'm glad to have found you but I've got it right now." I was about to protest when he suddenly turned and swung his blade, hitting something. I was frozen. Did he just kill someone? I looked over to see a demon, his body burning and disappearing. I looked up at Rengoku, who turned back at me. 

    How did I not see this? Rengoku isn't a regular demon slayer, he's the flame hashira. That means, I might be dead within seconds.

Sorry For Taking A Long Time And This Being Short. I Will Be Doing A Lot of Things This Summer So I Might Not Have Tons Of Time For This Book. I Will try To Update Though.

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