Chapter 7

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Fun Fact, The Taishō Era, Jul 30, 1912 – Dec 25, 1926, Was An Actual Era When The Emperor, Yoshihito, Lived From 1879 To 1926.

    After an hour or two of walking, I finally caught sight of the village. What would the people think of me? A complete stranger just came to the village with no story to tell? Maybe I needed something believable to tell people who ask. Starting off in a new town will be stressful though. I hope I could find an inn to stay in or a house willing to take me in. I had already changed my clothes into something else a little while ago.

 I had already changed my clothes into something else a little while ago

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    My stomach lurched at the thoughts of the people I would meet. I decided to take a break and sit down under one of the trees. That demon that I killed probably lived in that forest and attacked villagers. I guess I just did those people a huge favor. Even though demons can't kill other demons, other than Muzan, the blade of the fan I had was made of different shards from Nichirin Blades. I felt quite smart for thinking of this as a weapon. Planning ahead sometimes doesn't work out so this time I would just go with it. Flowing with the tide until I gain control again.

    I stood up and dusted myself off and began walking again with my bag in hand. I began walking towards the village, feeling nervous. I had to push aside the feeling of course and keep moving forward.

    I buried those feelings in my gut and made it into the village. It was quite large and there were a lot of people out this morning. The sunlight seemed to be crashing on my face and nearly blinding. A few white clouds were in the sky and all sorts of shapes seemed to form. A sudden pain went through the top of my head. I looked down to see it was a pebble that hit me. I glanced up and saw there was a black crow that began flying away. Something didn't seem right so I just entered the village. 

    There were a few people who began looking at me, wondering who this new person was anyway. I kept my head down and continued to walk around. At some point I was going to need to ask if there was a place I could stay. I had all the money to pay so it would be easy to just ask someone to stay and return the favor by paying. As I continued to look around, I felt tired. For minutes I walked around the same old brown and gray homes in the area. Some small shops and restaurants, other cozy homes for families. For around twenty minutes I walked around. 

    All of a sudden, I felt someone tapping on my shoulder from behind. I turned around and faced a woman who wore a nice blue kimono and had brown hair that was tied in a bun. Her eyes were as black as coal and her red lips formed a smile. She seemed to be in her late twenties and she was very beautiful.

    "Yes? How may I help you?" I asked her kindly. She gave me a warm look.

    "Are you new here? My brother was saying he hasn't seen a woman with such striking beauty here," She said giggling. My face immediately turned red as I began blushing.

    "T-tell him I said thanks. Yes I'm new here and I'm looking for a place to stay. Do you know any places that I can stay at?"

    "Well… it's just me and my brother at our house. Recently our parents moved out and we still keep in touch. If you want you can stay. I know this is just really sudden and you just met me and you might think I'm a phsycotic murderer that plans to kill you but I promise you that's not my intention." I don't know why, but I felt like I could trust her. She had this kind tone to her voice.

    "Yeah… yeah, thanks! I'll stay and I promise not to be a bother." Yes yes, I know I am trusting a complete stranger, but she seems to have something about her. Her smile, the way her voice sounded, and the way she just looked at me seemed to just make me feel like I should trust her. What is up with me? Why are humans like this? I bet once they knew I was a demon, they would hate me. She came off as someone trusting and I couldn't help but feel like I could

    I followed the girl for a while until we reached her home. It looked like any other home here. It was big, had screen doors, and had flowers. She walked inside and let me in with her. When I stepped in, it looked like any other Japanese styled house. Living room, kitchen, and halls with bedrooms too. When I stepped inside, I removed my shoes at the door and followed the woman. There was a man, around the same age as me who was tidying the house.

    "Yūkan! You don't have to clean right this second! You could have waited for me!" The woman said to her brother. Yūkan looked over, his brown hair waving and his coal black eyes looking at us. He had a black traditional hakama that he wore and he continued to pick up a few items.

    "Oh, so she decided to join us, Nozomi?" He said, dodging what his sister was saying in order to stay away from fighting. Nozomi rolled her eyes and looked at me.

    "This is my younger brother, Yūkan and I am Nozomi. As you can see, we live here alone and I can show you to your room if you would like," She said.

    "Umm, yeah. I'd like that. I'm y/n by the way. It's nice to meet you two," I said quietly. Nozomi took my hand and led me down the hall. There was a small room with not much but a dresser and a regular floor bed. There was also a closet and a mirror. I turned back and smiled.

    "Thank you so much Nozomi-chan, you really didn't have to do this," I told her.

    "No, it was my pleasure! I'm also glad that there is another girl in the house. Sometimes, it seems like there are multiple boys in here because of my brother and his friends," She replied. I stepped inside and set down my stuff. Nozomi closed the door behind me and I began putting things away in the closet and drawers. Once I finished I heard some talking from outside. I cautiously stepped out of the room and looked around. No one was in the house so it must have been coming from the front of the house.

    I crept down the halls slowly and uneasily. I just had a bad feeling about this. It was around noon so there must have been a delivery or something. It seemed impossible to know what could have happened and be behind the front door. I walked up to the door and I could hear the talking more easily.

    "Yūkan, I am afraid that I will be late to arrive home tomorrow from work. This means you have to look after yourself and y/n. Remember our friend Kazumi, well after those 'demons' came, he's been coming here. I think you guys would have a great time. He's changed so much, we're finally smiling again because he has been helping everyone. All I remember was him saying a demon slayer came and helped him."

    "Yeah, I think y/n would like to meet him too. She doesn't seem to be so happy so she may need to take her mind off of whatever it is." I smiled slightly. I liked how they wanted to help a stranger they hardly knew.

    "You know what, I've been hearing that we are going to have a 'demon slayer' patrol around here since they think there is a 'demon' here. We had people disappearing again. I hate this." You gotta be kidding me.

Sorry That This Update Was Late. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY. We Couldn’t Set Off Fireworks Because It Stormed. I Had Writers Block So The Next Chapter Could Take A While.

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