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Hearing her name, the stout, beautiful woman with brown eyes and her now pale blue skin looked in the direction where (Y/n) was standing and she gasped, her eyes widening with the same astonishment when her eyes met with those (e/c) eyes of (Y/n)'s that she knew so well, "Miss (Y/n)?!"

Unable to believe her eyes, (Y/n) smiled and rushed up towards Carlotta who also smiled and pulled her into a tight hug as soon as she reached her, "Oh, my lady! Thank goodness you're all right!"

"Oh, it's so nice to see you again too, Carlotta," (Y/n) replied, pulling away to take a look at Carlotta and gasped, realizing how her words have a different meaning to them now. "Ah. I mean, I'm so sorry," she quickly changed her words and then frowned, a question starting to form in her head. "But...how? Carlotta, you were perfectly fine when I saw you the other day. What happened?" she asked worriedly and Carlotta smiled sadly, glancing down at her hand for a second. "Oh, right. It was an accident...although actually, I feel great. But never mind about me, dear. Tell me about you," she said, holding the (h/c) haired girl's hands tightly in hers as she started bombarding her with the questions she had and a worried expression on her face.

"What happened to you, child? Where have you been? Everyone's been worried sick ever since you've gone missing and we've been looking all over for you! And...how in the world did you get here?"

(Y/n) gave Carlotta an apologetic smile, gently squeezing her hands back, "I know, Carlotta. I know and I am sorry. I didn't mean to suddenly disappear like that and make everyone worry. It's just...so many things happened and well...it's a bit of a long story."

"Why? What happened, dear?"

"I'll explain everything to you, Carlotta. I promise. But first..." (Y/n) trailed, a smile forming on her face as she glanced at her husband who was walking up towards them with his own happy smile on his face. And she knew, he recognizes who Carlotta was.

"I'd like you to meet someone very special," she suppressed a chuckle, watching Edward sneak up onto Carlotta like he used to when he was a child while making sure not to make a sound of his footsteps. A look of puzzlement crossed over Carlotta's face as she couldn't help but noticed the way how (Y/n)'s smile looked different from before. "Who, dear?" she asked with a small smile of her own, watching the (h/c) haired girl's smile brightened even more at her words.

"Him," she answered, pointing her finger at somewhere with a smile and before Carlotta could turn around and take a look at who (Y/n) was pointing at, she jumped slightly with surprise when someone suddenly popped up beside her along with a question, "Remember me, Miss Carlotta?"

And that person was none other than Edward who had his signature, playful grin on his face as he looked at Carlotta who gasped and did a double-take in as soon as her eyes landed on Edward. "Y-you are...H-He is," she stuttered with a look of bewilderment and a smile, looking between (Y/n) who was nodding gleefully and Edward who was grinning as well.

"Young master Edward! Oh, how nice it is to see you again!" Carlotta exclaimed happily, pulling Edward into a bone-crushing hug while Edward laughed and hugged her back, "It's nice to see you again too, Miss Carlotta."

"Look at you! You've become more handsome and taller than the last time we saw you!" Carlotta added gleefully as she pinched Edward's cheeks, making him laugh while (Y/n) giggled at the sight. "B-But how? What happened and w-what's going on?" Carlotta inquired, she had so many questions for both Edward and (Y/n) that the woman found herself at loss for words. (Y/n) smiled sheepishly and took a step towards the two as she stood by Edward's side to explain.

"Well, like I said, it's a bit of a long story so, you might want to sit down first, Carlotta. But to cut the long story short, let's just say after I went into the forest, Edward and I found each other again and..." she trailed, turning to look at Edward who was looking at her with a loving smile on his face which mirrored that of her own as both of them reached out to intertwine their fingers and held each other's hand tight.

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