karlnapity prompt

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The Kinoko Kingdom was beautiful. It was a trek out from the centralized downtown of the SMP, but anyone who came to see it was in awe of the curving roofs, swirling cherry blossoms, and the serene quiet that settled over the streets. At least, they will be once people came to visit. Maybe the quiet would go away once there were people around. And okay, maybe it wasn't perfectly quiet or serene. There was a bit of noise around the few pockets of construction left, so it wasn't all rustling trees and quacking ducks.

Karl, however, was distressed he was having a hard time remembering anything and every time he tried he just had the vague impression of the name Alex and a headache. he wanted to remember he really did but HOW was he supposed to?

Karl was currently in the in-between a void of space with a majestic white castle and he had everything he could to remember as the in-between itself had told him that there was a way to remember what was all forgotten.

after months of not being able to remember Karl decided to return to his fiances....


fiances' plural?

but didn't he only have one this was confusing he just couldn't remember without a headache that is .

when he returned he found a devasted sapnap when he asked what was wrong sapnap shouted telling him that he had been gone for 2 years and no one had been able to find him. and while he was gone dream had escaped and sapnap had vowed to kill him 

sapnap broke down in tears hugging Karl and asking where he had been all this time.

karl was in shock for 2 yrs but he had only been gone for a few months. right?

sapnap told him that they should go talk to quackity as he was one of the few people who had helped sapnap with his grief. but wasn't quackity a mur.....wait what was he? he couldn't remember so he agreed.


when they reached they saw dream.

somehow Karl remembered who he was but not who he was standing over...


sapnap shouted. Alex?? wasn't that his forgotten lover wait what was happening?

karl's knees buckled as a head-splitting migraine took over 

everything was too loud

why couldn't he remember he had to

had to

had to





and suddenly it felt cold he opened his eyes to see sapnap now fighting with dream and as he looked back to "Alex"

he remembered 

he remembered the nights they spent together with sapnap

he remembered warm hugs and comfy cuddles

he remembered calling his beloved a liar and a murderer 

and then suddenly he saw a flash of brown and arrow shot by someone he belatedly realised was punz 

(sacrifice: an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy.)

Karl ran towards quackity and.........



the arrow had lodged right in the centre of his temple as heard a gasp from Alex behind him

and as he fell he heard shouting and the combined cries of sapnap and quickly and as he bled out his last thoughts were of kisses and warm hugs from his fiance as the life drained from his eyes

in his last moment, Karl remembered all that he had cared for his fiances and their sweet words

maybe in another life, they would meet again

maybe in another life, they would fall in love again and this time they would get their happy ending

somewhere millions of light years ahead


"oh sorry"

"it's okay"

"What's your name, cutie?"

 *Karl blushes* "Karl" he whispers

"I'm nick"

"Sapnap, wait up"

"Oh, who's he?"

"I'm Karl"

"I'm Alex"

"nice to meet you both"

idk what i wrote but feel free to give me constructive criticism also i have discord if ya'll want to know what it is let me know this is a drabble so sry if it's not amazing have good day, night, evening, afternoon wherever you guys are and remember that you are perfect no matter what


ps:also i cannot believe 256 ppl have seen this lol

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