Shit, fucking christ

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Me and Carl have been arguing non stop all week I haven't even realized I didn't get my period.

I did some research and it said I could miss it due to stress though.

I get out of bed and walk over to the Gallaghers hoping that Carl is gonna tell me that he got into military school.

"I'm back" I say and a dull tone and walk upstairs

"Great news!" Carl says and jumps out of bed

"What" I say and smile

"I got into military school!" He says and smiles even bigger "I leave in 9 months" he says

"Oh my goodness that's great" I say and give him a hug. "Look, I'm sorry for all of the yelling, I don't know what got into me. I just didn't wanna loose you" I say and hug him even tighter

"It's ok baby, I did my fare share of yelling too. Let's just put it all behind us, I want to enjoy our last 9 months together, because I'm not too sure how long they keep me there for, out side of visiting" he says clearly sorry for everything

"Want to go do something fun" I say with a smile "and probably illegal" I say and smile even bigger

"You bet your ass I do" he says and smiles

"Ok let's go" I say and grab his hand

We walk to the train tracks that Carl brought me too last year and I pull out a bag of weed.

"Now this is what I'm talking about" Carl says and grabs it out of my hand. "You smell it, it smells amazing" he says and shoves the bag in my face

"Ew it... stinks" I say and lean over and throw up. "Holy shit, I don't know why that just happened." I say and laugh. "You know I don't really feel good" I say and lay down on his lap

"We can go back to your place is you want" Carl says while rubbing his hand's through my hair

"Ok, I'm sorry" I say and stand up.

"Don't be, it's not your fault." He says and gives me a kiss

We get back to my house, and go upstairs.

"I feel sick" I say and run to the bathroom.

"Mya, I know this is a little personal. But when was the last time you got your period" V says as she's walking into the bathroom

"Um I have no clue now that I think about it. I was so stressed out that I didn't even notice" I say starting to get worried

"Well. I think you might want to take a test" V says as she pulls a pregnancy test from out of her pocket

"Fuck, ok let me go tell Carl" I say and run out of the room

"Hey babe... V thinks I'm pregnant. I'm going to take a test to be sure, I just wanted to tell you before I do" I say in a worried tone "if I am it won't mess up anything with your military school will it" I say

"No no no it won't. Don't worry" he says and gives me a hug "now let's go take that test" he says and grabs my hand

We walk into the bathroom and I pee on the stick.

We wait about 5 minutes, I flip it over so I can't see it. 5 minutes later I flip it back over and it reads

2-3 weeks"

"Shit, fucking christ. No, no, not again" I say in a panic

"Hey it's ok baby, this time we can raise it together. I want our own little family anyways. We'll both be 18 by the time he or she is born. We can do this" he says and gives me a hug

"Ok, whoa, ok yea. We got this one right? Yea we got this" I say wiping my tears off of my face

"Now, we're gonna tell V" Carl says and grabs my hand

We walk down stairs and Kev and V jump off of the couch

"So, are you" v says holding my shoulders, and I just nod

"Holy shit, ok. Hey it's ok you got this, me and Kev will support you every step of the way" V says and hugs me

"We will?" Kev says

"Yes Kev oh my god" V says and slaps him.

"I was joking, come here you little Cum collector" Kev says and laughs

"Now let's pray for Carl when he tells Fi" Kev says as he's pulling away from the hug

"Yea, if she treats me how she did Debbie I might have to move in with you guys" Carl says as his face goes pale

"Well let's go tell her, you'll be fine" I say and we all walk out of the house and go to the Gallaghers

"Hey Fi, we have to tell you something" Carl says and sits down

"What is it" she says with a worried look


I love you, forever-Carl Gallagher (book two)Where stories live. Discover now