The Mystery Envelope

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~~The Next Day~~

An envelope slides under the castle door. It reads:

To SMG4 + Friends

  It takes a while for anyone to notice it because it's still early in the morning. This is one of the few days where SMG4 manages to sleep in. He's still the first to wake up though. SMG4 makes himself a cup of coffee and pulls a chair over to the tv. (He doesn't want to wake up 6 whose sleeping on the couch.) 4 grabs the remote, turns on the tv, and starts going through the channels to find something to watch. He gets to the news channel.

Reporter: "Breaking News! Scientists have used DNA found inside a usb to figure out who caused the fire last week! The arsonist has been identified as-"

  SMG4 pauses the tv.

SMG4: "Oh shit! I forgot to grab 6's usb from Chris and Swag!"

  He quickly gets up and runs toward the castle door.

SMG4: "Hm? What's this?"

  SMG4 picks up the letter addressed to him and his friends. He opens it with great curiosity.

You're officially invited to the annual Omnia Academy Dance!

Greetings! After several hectic years, we're happy to announce the annual Omnia Academy Dance is making its grand return next week! This year the hit band KS-2 will be playing in the gym. Along side KS-2 we will be hosting several other performances by The Squid Sisters, Bob the Rapper, and more! We welcome every student alongside anyone interested in joining our school!

Hope you'll join us!

SMG4: "I didn't know Omnia Academy had a dance!"
  He lays the letter on the kitchen counter for everyone to read when they wake up.

SMG4: "Now to get 6's usb!"

He runs out the castle door confidently.


Swag: "Sorry dude. Can't give it to ya."
SMG4: "But my friend needs that to go back home!"
Chris: "4, we can't just give you crucial evidence. This all we have to figure out who caused the fire."
SMG4: "What if I give you lots of money..?"
Swag: "How much we talking?"
Chris: "Swag for fuck's sake! We are not being bribed!"
Swag: "OH YES WE ARE!"
SMG4: "Plenty of money. Just hand over the usb. Then we'll talk!"

  At this point Chris has given up. Swag quickly hands over the usb. In return, SMG4 sets a crumpled up 100 dollar bill on the table the group is sitting at. SMG4 quickly grabs the usb as Swag holds up his loot.

SMG4: "No trade backs!"

SMG4 quickly runs out of the military facility with the usb.

Swag: "Oh hell yeah! Time to go buy some Gucci to impress Sonic!"
Chris: "Swag, you probably can't even buy a single Gucci flip flop with that."

SMG4 rushes back to the castle.

SMG4: "That was a lot easier than I thought it would be."


SMG4 walks into the castle to see all his friends gathered around the kitchen table.

SMG4: "What are you guys looking at?"
Mario: "A letter from Omnia Academy..."
Melony: "It says that everyone is welcome to attend, even non-students."
SMG4: "SMG6, you gonna go?"
SMG6: "I don't really dance anymore, but I guess I'll attend."

  Bob suddenly burst through the castle doors.

Bob: "Holy sheeeaat guys! I just got a bunch of moneh!"

  Bob sets down a huge sack of money.

Saiko: "Bob are seriously drunk already? It's only noon!"
Bob: "Noooooo you are bitchy bitch!"
SMG4: "Wait how'd you get all that money?"
Bob: "I gambled away the deed to the hotel. Then I got all this!"
Meggy: "Bob you're lucky I moved out a while ago or I'd kill you..."

  It seems the stars were starting to align for 6. Back before she met Audrey, her and SMG5 would make bets, steal, and were overall sketchy people. But Audrey changed SMG6. However, Audrey isn't exactly present right now... It wouldn't hurt to do a little gambling... Right?

SMG6: "Heeeeeeyyyy Bob? Wanna go do a bit more gambling?"
Saiko: "6, don't encourage him."

  The two rush out of the castle with as much money as they can hold.


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