
Start from the beginning

You were possibly around fourteen while Luca was eight. He had a nightmare so he came in and stood in the doorway until you noticed and invited him in. It became a common thing whenever he woke up in the middle of the night for whatever reason. So seeing Luca mimic this action again both filled you with nostalgia but also had your chest seize with sadness.

That's how you ended up in this current situation. Smile had gotten the idea to follow Luca's lead and acted as a weighted blanket all night. Luca had school today, but you figured he wouldn't be up for it at the moment. Sneakily worming your way out of bed, trying not to disturb Smile any more than you had along with your younger sibling, you took your phone and crept over to the kitchen.

The phone call was short and you excused Luca's absence with the reasoning he was ill. Begrudgingly afterwards you texted his mother just saying how he would be with you for the day. It was left on read for a few minutes before she just sent a thumbs up. You scowled at your phone before brushing it aside and getting started on breakfast.

Not feeling up to making something grand you put in some toaster stroodles and made a few pieces of bacon and eggs. While waiting for everything to finish you took your meds and fished out Luca's from his school bag and put them beside his plate.

Once everything was finished you collected the two plates (along with a napkin holding more bacon for Smile) and brought them over to the coffee table by the TV. Not really knowing what Luca would want for drinks you made a cup of coffee for yourself, it was disgusting which was fine with you, and poured him a glass of orange juice.

Sighing, you sat on the couch for a while, occasionally sipping your crappy cup of coffee. Letting your eyes lazily drift across the room, the sunlight filtering through the windows was enough to make the dorm bright, your gaze stopped on your bag which had been discarded.

   Using your foot, not wanting to get up, you struggled to pull the bag over towards your side of the couch. Shifting to reach down to it, you yanked it up to sit in your lap. Placing your cup down you sat back up and flipped the bag open. Lightly flicking the yellowed papers that were hazardously shoved in there, a frown tugged at your lips. Moving the papers to the side of your bag something else caught your attention. One being a few pill bottles that resembled the medication Hoodie had given you. And two, and little black box. You didn't remember being handed the small black box, nor it ever being in your bag. Picking it up, you flipped the plastic between your fingers.

   It was a tape. Scrunching up your brows, you peeled off a small yellow post-it that was plastered on the back. A name was sprawled on it, each letter being written in what looked like different handwritings. Beside the name was a crudely drawn face, merely a circle with awkward eyes and a box-like grimace.

   "Skully," you read quietly. Well now you had a name.

   Holding the tape for a second longer you finally shoved it back into your bag with everything else and zipped it closed. Setting your bag beside the couch you swallowed the uneasiness that begun to form; you'd handle that later.

   Laying back and fishing your phone from your pocket you stared at the home screen for a while, just taking a moment to wait until the discomfort in your gut to settle. Tapping onto the message icon, your finger hovered over a specific contact. Glancing at your bandaged hand your frown deepened and you quickly exited the app; it had only been a day, give him space—give yourself space.

𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀Where stories live. Discover now