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I woke up to find the bed empty. I sat up, just stretching hefore grabbing a towel to go shower. I opened my bathroom and got a heart attack when I saw Lam showering!

'Ai Lam! Don't you know how to lock the door?!"

"Kit! I tried but it wouldn't. I figured it was spoilt so I wanted to fix it once I was done."

I just blushed red and ran out. I was still standing there, in a pool of embarrassment when Lam came out, dressed in a pair of sweats and wet hair.

"Sorry na?"

I turned to him and nodded my head shyly, muttering it was ok. Lam smiled at me before going out, closing the door after himself. I just sat down for a while, realizing once the initial embarrassment subsided, I found my thoughts floating back to Lam. He did look good and I felt my face turning redder.

I quickly stood up, trying to rid myself of any dirty thoughts and I went to shower. Post my shower, whilst I had breakfast, Lam fixed my toilet door. However he came down a while later, calmly cradling his hand in a towel.

"Lam?! What happened?!"

"Ehh I accidentally hit myself when I was fixing the last bit."

"How the fuck are you so calm?!?!"

"Er... get me gauze na?"

I face palmed myself as I got him the first aid kit. He wanted to dress his wound himself and I swatted his hand away. I did it for him, dressing the wound. Luckily it wasn't a very hard hit. I then got him some painkillers and water to down as I know the pain would kick in soon. He took it and I chased him off to bed, to rest. He eventually nodded off to sleep whilst I caught up on assignments and spent time chatting with my mom. My dad came back around 3pm looking quite stern. Something was up.

"Where's Lam?"

"He's resting, dad. He had hit himself accidentally fixing my toilet door so I dressed his wound, made him pop painkillers and sent him to bed. Why?"

"Oh no! That sounds rough. It's ok. I wanted to tell him something but it can wait."

My dad was being awfully secretive. I cocked my eyebrows at him and just threw him a piercing glare. But he just smiled at me, ruffled my hair and left.

Lam woke up around 6pm. I went up to the room with soup and a sandwich for him.

"How you feeling?"

"Hmmm okays, just a wee pain."

"It will be like that for a while. Pop another painkiller later ok?"

Lam nodded his head at me, eating the soup but refusing the sandwich. I kept the dinner tray away and came back to see him trying to get out of bed.

"Where you going Lam?!"

"Your dad called me na. Give me a while i go see him and come back."

"Don't be silly, Lam. Just rest. There is no way you going to see my father now. And I honestly think he is upto something so I'm not having you go there now. Rest. Before I get angry na."

Lam just smirked at me and nodded. I took out my phone calling my dad, telling him not to annoy Lam till he's better. My dad laughed and said something that shut me up for good.

"Remind me to get your permission next time before asking your boyfriend for something."


I hung up, my face starting to redden. Lam looked at me, in confusion, querying if all was ok. I nodded my head stating everything was OK but my mind strayed back to my dad's words. I did behave like Lam is my boyfriend.

I just peeked at Lam who was busy sitting up, trying to make himself comfortable with the pillows so he could play his game. I leaned over automatically to help him, adjusting his posture so it was easier for him. Lam held onto me briefly as I adjusted him and our proximity caused us to just cast looks at each other. But we both kept quiet, me trying to focus on just making sure he's comfortable and not wanting to kiss him.

And him? I think he had the exact same idea except he acted on it instead. Just as I was about to pull away, Lam held onto me and kissed me softly on my lips.

Mi Amor (LamxKit) [Completed] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن