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I just smiled constantly, not a usual sight for me as I ate my dinner. But Kit not being petty and stepping up to protect me even as a friend made my heart so warm and soothed.

He is often seen as feisty and uncaring but the fact was that he's by far, the most caring of the group. But some previous incidents had left him feeling like he needed to protect himself and his walls were always up so high. So to find him being comfortable around me just made me happy.

"Why are you smiling so widely?"

"Nothing? Just my muscles needed to stretch."

"Really Lam!?!? Really!?!?" I snorted at him. Over easy conversations, we finished up dinner and had stepped out onto the street when someone called out to Kit. That's when I saw Kit's, face change considerably. He stepped back abit and would have moved back even more if he didn't bump into me.

"Kit, you ok?"

Before Kit could reply, the new visitor stepped up. I looked to see this small sized dude, who was dressed quite cute with soft tousled hair. He looked like a mouse but for some reason, Kit seemed afraid of him and moved back. I stepped up, holding onto Kit's hands but he firmly shook my hands away. What was that about?

"Hello Kit. How have you been? Haven't seen you in years."

"What are you doing here?"

"Aww, is that how you respond to someone who hasn't seen you for years?"

"You are supposed to stay away from me Nua."

"Do I, now? Well I am. I am within my limits. I haven't crossed the physical limit so you can't say anything. It's nice seeing you Kit. And your boyfriend. Take care na."

With those, the guy just upped and left. I turned to Kit, full of questions but he just walked away quickly, stuffing his hands into his jacket.

"Kit. Kit. Kitty! Hang on."

I swirled him around, only to find him all teary eyed.

"Who the fuck was that?! "

Kit looked at me, lips trembling, refusing to answer. I just held onto his hand tightly until he finally gave up.

"That's my ex boyfriend, the one I put in jail and whom I have a PPO against."


"Stay away from me Lam. That's the best for you. Please. I don't want anything happening to you. I don't know why the fuck he is here but I don't want anything happening to you. So please, for the love of god, stay away from me."

With those final parting words, Kit just left. Upped and left, took a cab and he went straight back home, leaving me standing there in a trail of confusion and bewilderment.

Mi Amor (LamxKit) [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now