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Now that Kit was back home again, it was time to take care of this Nua. I dropped Kit at his parents. He was going to stay there for abit to recuperate further and I felt more at ease knowing he was in good hands.

As I went downstairs, after making Kit sleep, I saw his father sitting in the hall. He beckoned me over.

"Yes uncle?"

"Call me dad, ok? I know how you feel about my boy. He can be a wee stubborn though but just hang in there ok?"

I nodded, laughing knowingly about Kit.

"Anyways I wanted to talk to you about Nua. I know you wanted to handle him but you are still in school and I don't want anything happening to you. So I will settle this. But you are free to do as you please with him when you meet him and I will settle all the consequences."

I looked at his dad stunned. He seemed like a mild mannered man but his words were chilling.

"My husband used to be part of a gang previously but broke away and made good of his life. But he still has contacts whom are more than happy to help him when needed." I turned to see Kit's mom join us with tea.

"My husband has always been honest with me and I married him knowing all of this. Which is why we both approve of you because of your honesty. So rest assured that there can be no one better for our Kit than you. But good luck winning my son over. He is honest but also extremely stubborn."

"Like my wife" Kit's father injected playfully. I laughed, shaking my head at their antics.

I promised I will be back once I got my school stuff settled. Kit's parents asked me to stay over for the week whilst Kit was with us. I nodded in agreement and went and came back. When I came back, Kit was just waking up from his nap.

I sat on his bed as he stirred awake, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "How do you feel?"

"Hmm better. The nap did me good. How about you? Did you rest?"

"I went to get my things. Your parents told me to stay here for the week too."

Kit's eyes shone instantly and he smiled, diving into my arms for a hug. He took a shower and joined me as I was making tea for him. His parents were in the hall watching TV so Kit walked over and just held onto me from the back.


"I jsut wanted to hold on to you. Is that OK?"

I just nodded, feeling Kit rest his cheek against my back slowly as I made the tea. What we didn't realize was his mom had come in to get some stuff and decided to stand at the entrance and watch us. Once I was done, Kit let go and we both turned only to get a heart attack seeing his mom. Shit. Busted. We both blushed irrevocably whilst his mum just cooed at us cutely and left.

We both huddled on the same couch for movie night with his parents. Over the movies, both Kit and his mom mirrored each other. Kit held onto me, nestling himself on my chest whilst his dad held onto his mom. I looked up for a bit and caught his dad throwing me knowing looks. He held onto his wife and I did the same. He gripped her tightly and I did the same. He then kissed her on her head and I almost did it but stopped.

He smirked at me and I just pouted. It was a very quick fleeting response. He could kiss his wife but if I did that, I am sure Kit would kill me. His dad then lifted his wife's face up towards and planted a very chaste kiss on her lips. This man!

His wife smacked him in 2nd hand embarrassment. Kit must have caught on for he looked at his father and growled softly. We all burst into laughter and settled down for the rest of the movie. Around 1am, we all decided to head to bed. I was sleeping in the guest bedroom but once we reached the 2nd floor, Kit pulled me towards his room instead requesting I slept with him. I nodded and we got ready for bed, lying down.

Just before Kit turned to sleep, he leaned over and planted a very chaste kiss on my lips, mirroring his father earlier. I just blushed involuntarily as Kit muttered good night and turned to sleep, low key blushing himself.

I jsut grinned, feeling light at heart as I finally fell asleep.

Mi Amor (LamxKit) [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now