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I turned around abruptly when I heard a slight thud sound! I realized that Kit had passed out! What the..

I quickly ran over and carried him bridal style upto his room. I knew he always kept a spare key in his shoe cabinet just outside his room so I used that to open the door and carried him in.

I laid him gently on the bed and then got a cloth with a bowl of warm water, gauze and some medicated cream. I first addressed his head injury, there was a bluish black bump forming from the fall. I stripped him off and wiped him down. I gently felt the back of his head to see if there were any bumps and couldn't feel any. But I didn't feel eased at all so I called the doctor once I had changed him into a fresh set of clothes.

Just as the doctor arrived, Kit stirred awake. He was stunned to see me and was speechless. The doctor checked him and started frowning.

"Have you not been eating?"

"Ah... I do.."

"Really? Because your sugar levels are extremely low. Don't lie to me Kit. You have been skipping meals, haven't you?"

"I just seem to have no appetite, that's why.. "

The doctor told him off gently and told me to make sure that he had his meals regularly to avoid this incident again. I nodded and sent the doctor out. As I came back into the room, I found Kit trying to stand.

"Sit. Don't you dare move."

Kit looked up at me stunned. "Lam..."

"I'm surprised you still remember I'm here Kit. I want to scold you so badly for what you been doing to yourself but you are prolly going to retort its none of my business. So I texted Beam and Pha. They are on their way. Once they arrive, I will leave."

Kit looked at me stricken. I hated what I was doing to him but I know he will never accept me. He would rather fall sick than accept my help and care but I also couldn't just turn a blind eye. 10 minutes later, Pha and Beam turned up with their respective boyfriends. I just told them what the doctor said and prepared to make my move. Pha and Beam went over to Kit and were talking to him. Park looked at me stricken and I jsut threw out a forced smile. Forth patted my shoulders comfortingly.

Just then the delivery guy came. Thankfully on time. I had ordered some century egg porridge, warm tea and chicken floss, stuff that I knew Kit only ate when he was unwell. I placed them on the table, told the boys and took my leave.

Forth and Park ran up to me, wanting to join me. I told them to go back to their boyfriends but they insisted and also stressed that Pha and Beam had respectively insisted that they be with me. We went off to my room, where we decided to game to take my mind off things. Half hour later, Beam sent a picture of the empty bowl of porridge and that's when my heart eased up abit.

The boys stayed for 2 more hours then left to go pick up their boyfriends. I took a shower and then started on my lab work when I got a message. I read the message and was so shocked. I immediately got my keys and left the room.

I made it back to his room in 10 minutes flat, running all the way. When he opened the door, he looked more fresh faced and put together though his eyes were red rimmed.

"You ok?"

"I am. I wanted to say sorry for earlier. For whatever I said last week. For shutting you out. I...I'm....sorr"

I didn't let him finish and I just hugged him tightly. Words were not necessary to express how we felt. I pulled away and looked at him.

"You ok Kitty?"

Kit burst into tears, nodding and hugging me back tightly. It's been weeks since he last heard me call him Kitty.

Mi Amor (LamxKit) [Completed] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang