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Thank for the idea!

Cale Henituse.
He knows for his orrible personality and trash reputation But underneath all that he was actually just a misunderstood boy looking for his father's attention.

After his mother died a part of him died with her and after that day he was never the same. His mind constantly ran on thoughts of his mom, even though he tried hard to forget it. He still thought about her sometimes, when she'd ask him what kind of flowers he liked best or when they'd sit down in their favourite place while watching the sky.
He couldn't bring himself to smile anymore.

The only time his face would curve up ever again was with her memory.
He'd cry every night until he fell asleep but whenever he was awake all he could think of was the pain of losing someone.
He didn't want to live without her anymore.
He was so angry and scared at himself for not being able to do anything for her last moments. She was dying right in front of him yet there he sat, doing nothing! He could see the doctors and healers trying to save her but to no avail! And she wasn't breathing either! It killed him.
It made him hate himself even more because of the fact that he had been so selfish. He knew he needed to be strong because everyone else was but how could he?

His father started ignoring him and the only one who had been by his side was his butler Ron. Even though he was always nice and helpful he always seemed like an outsider and Cale hated that. He wanted to feel happy again.

But of course nothing lasts forever and Ron abandoned it too. He left with the man who had beaten him and his son Beacrox who smiled as he was beaten and did nothing to help.

"You are pathetic"

Beacrox told Cale while he was being beaten up by the man named Choi Han , and Cale felt like crying at those words.

Once he woke up from his two day coma the first thing he asked was:

"where is Ron? And who are you?"

The new butler was scared that after his answer he wound trow a tantum so he stayed silent.

"please, tell me"


"no, NO, NO!"

The young man was now in tears and the orange-haired butler instinctively ran to hug him.
Cale felt something inside of him snap and he buried his head onto his chest.

"Please don't leave me alone, please!"

Hans hugged him back and said:

"I won't, I promise."

Cale cried and cried with Hans who comforted him.

After some time he stopped, he looked up at the ginger and says

"I didn't ask your name, sorry"

"I'm Hans, your new butler"

He says with a bow

"hahaha! Who bow down to a trash?! "

He was laughing after a lot of time and he felt refreshed after.
The butler didn't understand why he was laughing to the fact that he was bowing to his new master.
The fact was that no one bowed down to a trash especially a depressed one.

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