Serena x Male Reader

Start from the beginning

Y/N:Thats Daisy.The dog Im supposed to walk.You get let her out,she wont hurt you.Lick you yes,but youll be fine.Trust me.

Serena:V-very well.

She made the round confinement desapear and as soon as the dog landed on the ground,she ran at Serena and tackled her to the ground.The she bombarded her with her canine kisses.It awoke a knew sensation in her she never felt before.A rather pleasant one that made her smile.

Serena:Wha-ahahats hahapening!?

Y/N:Shes just licking you.But it seems youre ticklish.

Serena:Sto-ohohp her,please!

Y/N:OK,Daisy,down girl down.

He connected her collar to the leash and pulled her off of Serena who gasped for air.

Serena:I never (Inhale) felt like this. (Inhale) So frightened but also (Inhale) so alive.

Y/N:Since you only stood still and debated,you probably never felt excitement.

Serena:Maybe youre right.So how are we meant to walk it.

Y/N:We guide her to walk around and,do her busyness.If your species debates the existence their entire existence,how do you not know about dog walking?

Serena:We debate important matters on a much larger scale.But it could be that my separation from Bellicus had also seperated our knowledge.Would you mind if I were to try something?

Y/N:Um,sure?Go ahead.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.When she opened them,she aimed her hand at the sofa and stood there.

Y/N:Should something happen?

Serena:It seems I only have the power to create.

Y/N:Thats a good thing,right?

Serena:It also means that Bellicus only has the power to destroy.

Y/N:What?!So hes out there destroyying everything in sight?

Serena:Not necesarley.Many of our debates were about changing the existence,not primarly erasing them.One of his sugestions was bringing back the dinosaurs from extinction.

Y/N:But how can he bring them back without the power of creation?

Serena:He cant.Thats why he wont be able to do most of his sugestions,and hes sure to follow their chronological order.But if he were to threaten the existence,other of my kind would stop him.

Y/N:Phew,good thing too.Well,we should head out before Daisy ruins the floor.

They exited the house and Daisy almost got loose from Y/Ns hold on her leash.She was pulling him ahead so much that Serena had to help him pull her back.Eventually they got to the park where Daisy found a familiar tree that she started to sniff.

Serena:What are we doing here?
Y/N:Youll find out.But Id advise you to turn around.


She saw Daisy lowering her pelvis to the ground to start marking her teritory.With a gasp,Serena quickly turned around.

Y/N:Told you.Whenthey do things like that,I like to give them a lot of privacy.

Serena:And people pay you to do this kind of thing every day?
Y/N:Not just that.Im what youd call a,professional sitter.I babysit,dogsit,housesit and once I was a seat filler.

Serena:People trust you with their homes and offsprings?

Y/N:Of course.I had my cousin make a site for my job and she did an amazing job at it.Now people can reserve an apointment in advance as well as commentand grade my services.If the kids and dogs could grade me too,Id have a perfect rating.

Ben 10 Alien Girls x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now