Jade stated, "Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw, ma'am. Callsign: Rooster. Top of his Top Gun class." 

The lawyer continued, "Now Jade, did your father's positioning as the instructor of this Top Gun Class affects your standings there?" 

Jade looked back at her father before answering, "No, it did not. He was unaware of the relationship until the moments during the crash I believe." 

"You believe?" The lawyer threw back. 

"Ma'am to say more would be hearsay." That was Jade's favorite word, so of course, she knew what it meant. 

The lawyer laughed at this, " Even concussed you are still witty and attentive. I must commend you. Final question Renegade before I turn you over to the other lawyer, who if any in the navy were aware of your relation to Pete Mitchell?" 

Jade scoffed at this, "The only ones who were aware at the beginning of my Naval career were, Commander Mike Metcalf. Callsign: Viper. - however, I was not aware of this until halfway through my career at Top Gun. The sole person who I knew was aware of the identity of my father was the late Admiral Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky. After his death, this knowledge was passed on to now Admiral Beau, and all the commanders at my flight school. Please bare with me as recalling names is very difficult at the moment." 

The lawyer sadly let her head fall at this for a moment before facing the judge now, "No further questions your honor." 

Another lawyer now walked up, he was a tall man, and it scared Jade. She was already nervous about this, she knew two things about a court. The word hearsay, and that this guy existed to make your day terrible. Her head was still spinning, so she was not surprised that she could not remember any names at the moment although she remembers them being introduced at one point in the trial. 

This lawyer jumped right into the questioning, loudly into the mic might Jade add, she quickly covered her ears. The first question he asked was, "To your knowledge, Pete Mitchell did not know of your relation?" 

Jade sighed, "If you're going to scream into the bloody microphone, please don't repeat the same question as before." Tears welled in her eyes from the pain. 

The judge responded, "Sir, you can use a calmer and less harsh tone, Jade Mitchell please continue by answering the question. Let me know if the volume gets out of hand again in this process whether you are up here or not." 

Jade took a deep breath and continued, "To my knowledge sir, that is correct. He did not know. It was covered up by the late Admiral Kazansky. My father's name was nowhere on any of my academy papers, anywhere. Younger pilots didn't recognize the name often, the different pilot cliques came in handy for once." 

The lawyer continued without any of the kind remarks the woman prior to him had, "Why would Admiral Kazansky agree to cover this for you?" 

Jade sighed, "There were multiple reasons. In many ways the man raised me, his signature erased the need for my father's on papers. However, he was the one to originally suggest it. From my understanding, it was to cover the pressure of having a flying ACE for a father, and to prevent what had happened to Captain Pete Mitchell in the academy when it came to the topic of his father Duke Mitchell, also a fighter pilot for the United States Navy." 

The lawyer smirked, "the similarities to this crash and your father's back in Top Gun, do you notice them?" 

Jade shook with anxiety, "I acknowledge them yes." 

The lawyer continued, "Did you acknowledge them previous to the hop?" 

There were tears streaking down her face, "Yes..." her voice shook, on the verge of breaking. Bradley and Jake kept a watchful eye on Pete, preventing Papa Bear mode as they had nicknamed it behind his back. 

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