007 Will of Fire

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As the three boat off, the Centaur creatures proceed to give chase. Due to their massively greater speed than Mash paddling in the water, it was less a chase and more like an encircling attempt where they would surround her to try and find an opening to stab one of the three. Luckily, Sonic and Gudako's on the job. While Sonic acts as the main attack, Gudako would serve as a second watch, as well as Sonic's bail should he ever mess up a homing attack.

With that setup, the level begins.

"Alright, if the map Dr. Roman is right, then we should be able to head to the Tohsaka house if we continue this road-er... stream!" Gudako says while looking at a map on her watch.

"Alright, Senpai!" Mash says as she paddles as fast as she can handle.

Sonic then suddenly jumps launching an axe kick into the head of one of the creatures which tried to take a stab at Gudako. This causes it to explode and disintegrate into water, bones and debris.

Another tries to stab Mash in the leg, so Sonic then swipes his hands forward and 7 projections of his homing attack launch around him into the creature, decimating it.

Another launches an attack at Mash, lightly slicing her exposed thigh. This panics the blue hedgehog a little, making him perform a wild rush, surrounding himself in energy to perform a tackle that took way too much energy for how fragile that opponent was.

"Mash, you alright?" Sonic asks as he inspects her wound.

"It's only a light cut, senpai. Please continue defending."

"SONIC, WATCH OUT!" Gudako suddenly shouts as a man that stood atop a semi-intact high rise nearly hits Sonic in the head with an arrow. The only reason it did not happen was through Gudako's intervention. However, the shot had enough of an impact to capsize their makeshift raft despite Mash's enhanced strength.

Thankfully, she rights it back up before either passenger could drift away.

However, the struggle made it so that the wound on Mash's leg deepened. Sonic begins looking around for the shooter but ends up seeing massive figures move towards them from under the water.

Having to juggle destroying the sea-taurs, finding the bowman and now these mysterious sea predators, Sonic couldn't help but think 'If only I can give Mash my speed.'

In that very moment, a voice appeared in the mind of the three.

"Link established...

Chaos energy secured...

Seal activation in 3... 2... 1..."

"Wait, what's going-"

Before Gudako could complete that sentence, blue energy erupts around the three, launching them forward with multiple sonic booms.

The only thing their pursuants managed to hear was the faded scream of Gudako due to the doppler effect taking place.

Mash herself becomes terrified due to her suddenly swimming insanely fast, her legs becoming blurs even to her.

"Mash! Calm down!"

She looks up and sees Sonic with his ever, easy-going smile. She may not have heard him speak, but she can still hear his voice through their command seals.

"Continue swimming. I'm used to this speed, I'll guide."

With that, she nods.

Sonic begins to ride the front of the shield like a motorboat, using his massive hands like rudders, and using his body weight to lean the boat. Due to also gaining a massive speed boost, Gudako also joins Sonic to aid the turning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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