006 Land of Rain

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It... it was dark... after the Rayshift, Sonic felt like he was sent back into the white void. This time... without the Chaos Emeralds to bail him out.

It was dark, but it was cold. At least some sensation exists... then it became... windy on his back? No... wait... he's falling. He's falling! He's fall-

"GBLLEURGH!" Sonic gasps out as his back slams into and breaks through the water surface.

He sees only a glimpse of light. A light which quickly gets smothered by the wuthering waves which warble the white light.

He struggles hard to swim upwards but due to the lack of fat in his physique, as well as the fact his fur has grown to help reduce drag, he sinks. For a fourth time this week, he is breathless. Though, this is only the second time he's about to drown from water.

And just like last time, there is no guarantee of safety.

The only thing different now, the only thing that makes this more cruel is the fact he is conscious this time witness it.

"Gu... da... ko..." he manages to mutter just as he was about to run out of air.

However, just as he was about to accept death by asphyxiation, his attention is quickly torn by the sound of something breaking through the water surface. Looking up, Sonic would vaguely see someone reach for him.

Weakly, he raises his hands up as well.

The figure then grabs a hold of him and swims him up to the surface. And just as he was about to pass out-


The figure pulls Sonic's head to the surface, allowing him to take greedy gulps of air and cough out the water.

"You know, for someone who's a terrible swimmer, you go skinny dipping quite often."

Sonic whips back and realizes his savior was none other than Gudako.

"If I had a nickle for every time I get transported into a world and the first thing I do is drown under several feet of water, then I'd have three nickles. It's not a lot but it's weird how many times it's happened."

A familiar head of purple hair then peeks out from atop one of the half-submerged buildings and asks, "Senpai! Are you ok?! Why did you just jump down into- Sonic Senpai is there as well?"

"Yeah, I went after him since he can't swim." Sonic becomes a liiittle embarrassed someone else now knew that.

"Anyways, haul us up! I can't exactly get up there."

"Right!" Mash's head then pulls away. Suddenly, a big black sillhouette suddenly launches from where Mash was before dropping them like a meteor.

"Woah! Hey!" Sonic and Gudako exclaim as the mysterious launched object makes waves that threatened to separate the two.

Mash would proceed to dive after the object, now wearing a black and purple leotard one piece thing. She would proceed to swim over to them, revealing that what she threw earlier was, in fact, a tower shield of some kind. She would then paddle towards them at olympic swimming speed without much effort.

She would then proceed to beckon Sonic atop the shield while telling Gudako to hold on.

"Mash? What are you wearing?" Sonic asks, which gets the girl flustered.

"I-I'll explain later. First, let's get to dry, solid ground."

As they paddled away, something further away would dive back into the water.

Eventually, the three would arrive at an apartment building which had an intact top floor. Looking around, they would proceed to pick a relatively large room that had pink neon heart signs atop a bed and a bunch of sofas around with some broken camera equipment. Inside , they take refuge and rest. Sonic immediately guns it for the fluffy albeit ragged queen-sized bed, while the two go for separate sofas.

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