Build A Buddy

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With half of the OO cast gone, our surviving half of the cast weren't taking the deaths too well

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With half of the OO cast gone, our surviving half of the cast weren't taking the deaths too well. But there might be a solution to cheer everyone up.

Fly Swat: Hey Coney. You wanna go bungee jumping by the mountains.

Coney: No. That's fine. 

Fly Swat: Ok. Well what about we go get that diamond that is by the volcano. The one you guys wanted when you realized it was there.

Coney: Fly Swat it's fine. I-

Fly Swat: Or we can go skydiving-

Coney: Fly Swat!! Look, I know you're trying to cheer me up. But I'm not going to do things you feel uncomfortable about.

Fly Swat: (Sigh) Sorry. It's just you seem so upset after what happened. I just wanted to cheer you up somehow.

Coney: I'm glad you're concerned about me, Fly Swat. But I think it's best if I'm alone for a bit.

Fly Swat: (Sigh) Ok. Well, I'll be with Kite if you need me.

Coney: Ok. Bye.

*Fly Swat walks to see how Kite was doing.*

Fly Swat: Hey Kite.

Kite: Oh Hey Fly Swat!

Fly Swat: Woah! You seem happier than yesterday. What's got you all cheered up?

Kite: Well Clock just told me he's going to announce how he's going to bring everyone back! Which means I'll see Toaster again!!

Fly Swat: Woah Really!!? That would mean Paper Airplane and Toothy will come back too!!

Globe: Guys Come On!! Clock Is Gonna Announce How He'll Bring Everyone Back!!

*Kite grabs Fly Swats hand.*

Kite: Come On Let's Go!!

*Everyone was gathered around Clock. About to make his big announcement.*

Clock: Alright everyone. As you all know, most of our friends are gone. Including Gamey. Which is why I have come up with the solution for us to have them back.

*He pulls the sheets away that were covering his invention.*

Clock: Everyone! Say Hello To The Buddy Robot!!

*Everyone was confused about what Clock showed.*

Boombox: Umm. I'm confused.

Candy: Yeah I thought you were gonna bring everyone back!

Clock: I did. Watch. Buddy Bot #1! We Need A Host!

*The buddy Bot transformed into Gamey.*

Gamey Bot: Hello! Time To Host The Elimination!!

Popcorn: I don't know Clock. I'm not sure if this could replace Casey.

*A buddy Bot transformed into Casey.*

Object Show Aftermaths (What Happened After We Could Be Heroes 3)Where stories live. Discover now