Psychotic History...

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              I may have a...
  Monday, April 13( 1995)
         Hospital, Miami...

"Please" That word felt like the only one she knew at that point, She was so confused and scared... The blonde haired woman with sad blue eyes and pale cheeks stared up at the nurses who had come to give her the medicine again or so she thought... She was tired, she felt too pained to even bother struggling as she usually did... She couldn't do it, just laying in that hospital bed which felt different from the one she's used to at the mental hospital which had been her home for three years now... Her arms protectively wrapped around her protruding belly... The nurses felt guilty, the lady had suffered alot and actually had been recovering but after what the doctor who was sentenced to life imprisonment had done to her, she had taken several steps back... They had found out she was pregnant after the doctor was caught raping her and according to security footage that wasn't the first time nor the only patient he had been abusing, turns out the doctor was even crazier than the patients... The nine months were complete and they needed to help her deliver, in order to at the very least save the baby as everyone in that room knew that she had little to no chances of survival... Moving forward, they injected her with the numbing syrup and she just lay there staringthe celing as the doctor moved in and she barely noticed a few things being arranged and then she was cut open... She knew they would have to perform surgery, she was in no state to deliver a baby naturally... She felt her body shutting down, her heartbeat slowing and her body weakening... She was dying. She smiled when the muffled cries of a baby hit her ears,mumbling a prayer with her last breath for the baby to be safe and happy in life she heard someone speaking to her but was unable to hear the words and saw the blurry face of a nurse who held her child out to her but she couldn't lift her arms so she just continued to smile as tears fell out of her eyes streaking through the sides of her face and her eyes closed, the panicked shouts and orders of the doctor drifted into her ears before her heart stopped completely and she was able to rest in peace... Finally. 

      Friday, April 13 (2001)
          Gravy Orphanage
                New York...

"Mel!! Mel!!!" The six year old girl giggled as mother Anna searched for her all over the Orphanage... They were playing hide and seek and she knew she would never be found, although Mother Anna's voice did sound a little too panicked but she didn't mind, she'd come out when she was declared the winner... She was crouched inside her favourite hiding spot, inside the slide where no one used anymore because it was declared dangerous... No one knew she hid there... She heard a loud explosion which left a slight ring in her ears and a lot of shouting coming from afar, she shakily  crawled to the bottom of the slide, ready to give up and peeked out but there was no one there so she moved out of her hiding spot and walked towards the main building of the Orphanage where the shouting was coming from, she couldn't help but notice how deserted it was, she couldn't have been in there more than a few hours, what happened? She peeked in and saw a tall man arguing with Mother Callie, the head mother and director of the Orphanage... "I will pay you, i promise, just let the children go... Please" she pleaded "YOU BITCH!! YOU DONT REALLY CARE ABOUT THEM, DONT FUCKING PRETEND" he screamed and used the bottom of his gun to smack her across the cheek... "Don't hit her, let Mother Callie go!!!" Melanie heard someone scream but realized it was her and both the man and the mother looked towards her... "No!! Mel, not you Mel... run... Go look for Anna, go Melanie, NOW!!!" She screamed at her as the dark haired man just stared at her and she stared back in fear before she turned, panicked as no one really called her by her full name and only do when they were very serious, running towards the direction of the hostel in hopes of finding her best friend or one of the mother's, she stopped when she saw the hostel... Blown to bits, in shock, she stood there before a gun shot was heard from the main building and she looked back to see the man walking towards her and she ran but her little legs didn't get very far... He picked her off her feet and she started to scream and kick at him... Her short dark hair flying every which way as tears leaked out of her emerald green eyes... "Let me go!!! You killed mother Callie... You're a bad man" She cried and struggled... The man only smirked and carried her along as she struggled... She heard a door being pulled open before she was gently placed on a soft seat and buckled in as she stared in fear... Looking around she saw some the other kids of the Orphanage, mostly the girls seated on similar looking chairs and cowering at the sight of the man, tears leaking from their eyes... "Boss, there is no space in the other van for this one"  a gruff and buff looking man said in a scratchy voice as he lifted someone up, someone she knew too well "Ken!!" She said reaching for him and he looked towards her before screaming her name as well as if they weren't in the same proximity... The 'boss' rolled his eyes and buckled him beside Mel and walked to the drivers seat, she held unto her best friends hand and smiled as the van began to move... "Happy birthday, Mel" he whispered and she smiled and replied with a "Happy birthday, Ken" as they held hands in fear... At least they had each other for now...

PAINT me INSANE.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora