30: Business Deal? (2)

Start from the beginning

Felicia actually wasn't sure how many people would listen to the empty words of a socially detached girl, but she still gave it a try– unwilling to make things harder for her shiny hero.



Later on, Felicia came up with a better idea than to steal from a Superhero. In the heat of the moment, she forgot that Super-Nova didn't like her as much as she did– so if he caught her he might just throw her behind the bars. So she needed and therefore came up with a better plan.

Felicia didn't really wish to, but she would convince her mother to take a look at Nova Games and maybe make a deal with them. With Nova Games' only game being so popular, her mother might just agree— there was also the card of 'saviour' that Felicia could use to convince Lydia Hardy, though she doubted she'd need to go that far.

Sooner or later, it will be revealed who was behind [Nova Games] and when that happens many companies will reach out to Enrique. Knowing her mother, who was a lawyer before this, Felicia was sure she wouldn't want to miss this chance at business.

* * *


With the help of Ava's voice, Enrique managed to set an appointment to visit the Hardy Corporation HQ and meet up with Lydia Hardy a week later.

There weren't any more details talked about in the call, but Enrique had a rough idea of what the meeting will be about.

What he didn't understand was– why? Why did this decently huge Corporation suddenly contact him?

Enrique researched about them a bit after the call ended, and found this company to have a decent track record on its partnership or sponsorship with other companies. This corporation was one of the cautious types, so what exactly convinced the owner to reach out to an absolutely new company like [Nova Games]?

Enrique's confusion didn't last long when he soon reached a conclusion of his own in his head.

'Lydia Hardy... Ah, wait, I remember, she's Felicia's mother, right?' Enrique blinked.

'Perhaps Black Cat is trying to repay me after I saved her life?' Enrique thought. 'Or is it about...'

He stopped thinking a while later. He could never be sure about women. From time to time, they were quite hard to understand even for him.

'Also, wasn't her mother a Lawyer in the comics? Or am I remembering things wrong?' Enrique frowned at himself. 'Weird timeline I ended up in.'

Whatever the case, his business would profit from a deal with a bigger corporation. However, there was another problem.

'I don't have my educational certificates. In 2011, I have close to zero worth to big companies without that.' Enrique smiled a little. 'Thankfully, using the money I scammed from SHIELD, safely forging the required documents would be easy.'

As a corporate giant in his last life, Enrique Nova was aware of such procedures as he personally knew the leaders of such facilities who helped create fake identification and other documents.

That was one of the reasons he asked for a week of time before the meeting. He would use this time to create fake documents that he needed.


Later that evening, Enrique was preparing to leave his house, alone, to visit a broker who'd help him with this document problem. Greer "Tigra" Nelson, however, seemed hellbent on tagging along with him.

"Hey c'mon, I want to go out and see the sun once in a while too– it's been six months!"

The sun had set already. Enrique pointed out to the window.

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