The Potters

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December 24, 1976

Elaisa's POV

I have been staying with the Potters ever since. They have been amazing. They treat me like a daughter. It was a bit awkward. At least at the beginning. All that love, and well, love. think James talked to them 'cause they don't show their love that much anymore. I count he told them about brothers 'cause they asked for my approval on inviting them to the party.

Late at night, I was reading in my room till I heard a loud sound from downstairs. I run to the living room and I saw him. My big brother. He must have used the floo network to get here. He was laying on the floor, paler than usual, breathing heavily. Mrs Potter had his head on her lap. I run by his side shoving Potter and Lupin out of the way. Lupin had arrived earlier that day.
"What happened to him?" I asked. The four of them exchanged nervous looks. "Answer me!" I demanded. "We don't know for sure" "Something must happen at his home" "But his symptoms match ones of the cruciatus curse". I looked Mrs Potter in the eye. Then I turned to James. "And where his home might be?" He mumbled hesitantly the answer but it was enough for me to get it. I stood up and took a handful of floo powder. "Elaisa this is madness!" "It's suicide!" "You don't know what she will do when she sees you!" "Enough!", I spat. "Has any of you, ever experienced the cruciatus curse?" No answer. Of course, they hadn't. "Well, I have! Several times" They looked at the ground. "The books are saying it is a bit more painful than a werewolf's transformation". Remus looked up and met my eyes. " And I am sure you don't wish that for anyone" No answer. Cowards. "Well, I am not gonna let that bitch treat my brother like that". And without another word, I yelled "12 Grimmauld Placa" and dropped the powder in the fireplace. Within seconds I was wrapped in green flames.

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