Hogwarts Express

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December 20, 1976

Today we left with the Hogwarts Express for Christmas. I picked out an empty compartment and sat down staring out of the window. My time at Hogwarts wasn't as I thought but it was better than anywhere I have ever lived. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my door opening. I looked up and I smiled at the boys. "Hi, Elaisa. Mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is full" Remus asked getting a little blush over his cheeks. "Sure thing Rem". He sat down and James shot me an apologetic look before sitting beside Remus. I didn't know what that meant, till I saw two more boys coming in. One of them was short and fat with dirty blonde hair that I knew as Peter Pettigrew. The other one was my brother and he sat right beside me. Dear Lord, this is going to be a very long ride.

Sirius kept staring at me while I talked with James about the holidays. Our conversation was cut short when Sirius spoke. "So you are the girl who called me and my brother. The only girl to ever attend Durmstrang, right?" I just nodded not knowing what I could say. "So, what is your name, my beautiful angel?" I just stared at him. My beautiful angel? what was that supposed to mean? Should I be insulted or something? With the corner of my eye, I saw Remus frowning and James ready to burst out laughing. "My name is Elaisa. Elaisa de Vil" Oh Lord, I can't believe I am actually using that name. "Well, it is my pleasure to finally meet you, my princess Eli" I stared at him. That was what he used to call me when we were kids. "Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet my most loyal knight". The compartment burst out laughing. Except for me of course. I haven't smiled for years, let alone laugh.

"Don't you think she looks like you, Pads?" James asked when they finally calmed down. "Of course, I do. Why else would I call her my beautiful angel?" "Hm... Let me think... Maybe because you are the Gryffindor's ladies' man?". James couldn't help himself and fall off his seat while laughing. Sirius was having a hurt look and Remus helped James to his feet while Peter just laughed awkwardly along. "It's true Sirius. Stop being dramatic", Remus protested. Oh no, I thought. You never, and I mean NEVER tell Sirius to not be dramatic. Sirius opened his mouth but I interfere before there was any kind of explosion. "Don't even think about it. You tripped over your shoelaces and told Walburga that you had broken your leg while falling off the stairs Siri-poo". Everyone stared at me and James was looking at me and then at my brother. "How do you know that?", he asked. "I didn't. Till now" Thank Merlin I am a good liar. "No. I meant the name. Only one person has ever called me that" James and I locked eyes. Sirius indeed remembered something about me. I mumbled something like "Just make it up" and grabbed the book Leadwolf had assigned us to memorize till the end of the semester.

Quiet filled the compartment till Sirius was bored. Nothing new. He always was hyperactive. I had just zoned out from reality when someone grabbed my book. "Hey!" I yelled but Sirius was laughing like we used to laugh together as kids and I couldn't help but let him have fun. Fun until he ripped the lilac cover of my book to reveal its title: The Purest Wizarding Families and Their History during the Centuries. The boys stared at it blankly. "You are a pureblood?" Remus asked worriedly. "Do I look like a filthy Mudblood to you Lupin?" Peter looked at me curiously in deep thought. Sirius tossed me back my book. "I guess you share the same thought about the blood status with my family then". My gaze turned venomous. "Why do you care? It's not like you are a Mudblood or something. Besides, I know very well that Walburga has raised you the same way I was. You are a Black after all". James tensed. "Elaisa, I am a half-blood" I scoffed "Yeah right. As Hogwarts would never accept anything than purebloods". James gave a warning look to Sirius and then turned to me. "Elaisa, I might know you for only a few days but you are my best friend. Although you seem to have some ideas that we don't believe in. I understand you had a tough upbringing but-" I was filled with rage. "If you understood you would let me be as they made me be" I grabbed my book and opened the door to get out. "Hi, Lily. Good luck with those prats". I left the compartment and Lily sat beside Sirius.

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